All I said was Confrontation was the oldest of the group. It is my prefered of the 3, and easily have 500 hours online with it but have not played over the last year alot due to the rampant cheating.
I nver said any of the games were bad, I prefered Confrontation out of all of them but anytime you go online there is like 500 people on and full of cheaters.
"Cloud" is a general term, the PS3 had there standford project using multiple PS3's and anyone could sign on alowing them to use the power of there PS3 to find a cure for cancer. This was a form of cloud computing, it is not a new thing just a marketing ploy to get people excited about something. There was even cloud based computing for the Xbox and PS2 for online gaming in some games. The thing is its not like cloud based computing is going to make your system stronger because your just adding lag into the equation of your system processing.
Its amazing how so few people pay attention, Sony has the same thing they just dont keep shouting cloud every chance they get because they know it is stupid. They actually have a higher bandwith available then Microsoft for gaming at this time with there addition of Genki.
The issue is they are going to make the most units they can dont matter what. They are producing them as we speak but releasing 500k in October will just hurt them like it did with the PS3 by not having enough at launch. It would be better to have 2 Million available in November.
wooooode's comments