@PDiddyHere That would be like streaming your games which adds lag. The cloud is a huge PR thing that is getting more attention than it should. Sony has the same thing basically along with Genki which was a solid streaming game service.
Of those exclusives Titanfall looks great but not exclusive, Ryse looks like crap, and Quantom Break we have not seen much of. Not really a strong showing for the most part.
This just screems the game will be crap. It most likely will be unbalanced if this is the route they are going. Just keep releasing a stronger character every month.
Suprised by the DX10 card for min since it will be on consoles as well. I have a DX card and meet all the max except for the DX11 portion but still slightly suprised.
@steelmouth Thats the first thing that came to mind for me as well. They never made a Hitman that really pushed any boundries so I doubt they would here.
I wish Nintedo would tell Capcom they will let Retro bring Megaman upto date and dominate. They just seem like a company that knows how to advance enough yet still have that feel
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