wooooode's forum posts
The PS4 is slightly more powerfull for games. Exclusives should look better for the PS4 like the PS3. Sony said they have more to show but just want to focus on the launch.
PS4 is $100 cheaper, has significantly more powerful hardware (if the charts we have seen are accurate), lacks the required All Seeing Eye of Sauron (NSA wet dream) and is devoid of the majority of DRM found on the Xbox.
I honestly don't believe one of the most successful and wealthy companies in the world could let itself be that obliterated. I think there may be some big whammy lying in wait that makes the Xbox far more enticing...
What do you think?
Microsoft sees themselves in a good position - apparently [Microsoft] also looks at the PS4 as Xbox 360 version 2 due to the lack of social and multi-tasking features. The company doesnt even see Sony as a threat. Even better, it believes that the PS4s graphics RAM will run hotter, besides not being as optimized as the Xbox One. Thus leading to both being evenly matched or, believe it or not, the Xbox One performing ahead.
Kinect is not an "All Seeing Eye of Sauron" - popular misconception.
The PS4 has DDR5 ram which runs considerably cooler than the DDR3 that the XB1 uses.
To lazy to read because dont realy care about the article but I wonder if you could record your 360 gameplay on your XB1.but only as a side effect because of the uesless cable tv dual hdmi bull shit not because of design and being able to run games in some sort of BC mode, there will be no real communcation between the devices.
Don't tell me how to live my life.UCF_KnightI do what I want!
Yeah there is only one option for the XBone so its not really a good comparison.With 5 other bundles of PS4 just below it. lol.
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