Killzone is high quality along with Infamous but outside that the rest is a mystery. The Order is promising coming from the devs of God of War. You can say the same thing about M$, if they are not in an even worst position. Also you cant hold it against Sony that they anoucned games with there console anouncement.
Jaffe also says Halo and others are over rated because they are rehashes. You do know the Wii won in sales and the PS3 and 360 are way to close for the 360 having a year advantage. Multiplats are a mixed back the 360 use to lead but now the PS3 gets its fair share. Online is a little better but $50 a year better not to sure. I agree the controller is better but the damn d-pad is the worst console d-pad ever. I really think it comes down to game preference.
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