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@soarlozer: you started out fine with your assessment, until you started trying to pretend you understand me. sad part is you could have learned if you'd just read what i wrote. why bother posting if you don't want to bother reading what you're replying to??? are words that hard to comprehend, and it just gives you this uncontrollable impulse to post without having a clue?

why would i envy this? why would i (or anyone) care about "steam levels" once you UNDERSTAND the inner workings of how it is done?! (which i've explained in 2 posts above)

"seems like" you should stay in school to improve your comprehension skills. and when speaking up, it's usually better to know than to admit that you're just posting on assumption. especially in this case where its not that hard to just read, comprehend, and be safe from foolish assumptions. don't be lazy, judgmental, ignorant. if you're going to be too lazy to read/learn then just keep your ignorant thoughts to yourself.

if you do make a change and do decide to read this time, let me be doubly clear, just for you. (more insight for you)

my steam account has a level of 100. that is 50k experience required. to get there it cost me about $300 to get tier 5 badges on all the games that i owned that had cards, less than 100..

it was dumb. you don't get to keep the cards that look cool. you destroy them to make a badge. then if you like a badge, tough luck because that badge gets destroyed too when you upgrade it... the end result is you are collecting some really mediocre junk as rewards for crafting a badge, and destroying all the cool looking stuff in the process, and also throwing away money. and now i have 30 more games that support the silly feature, thanks to valve going out of their way to get as many developers to add this junk to their game even after the game has been out for years. the rewards are random junk (backgrounds, emoticons). you can just skip the whole random process and buy the rewards you want.

his steam account is level 1070. that is 5.8 MILLION experience required (more than 100x more than my account). he's leveled the same "steam sale" badge (not a game badge) thousands of times (when a normal game badge can only be leveled 5 times). this doesn't reward him any new items, just 1000's of copies of the few derpy steam sale backgrounds and emoticons that nobody wants to use, ever... they're ugly as sin.

he's spent tens of thousands of dollars on the "steam sale badges". that's not including the cost of the thousands of games he bought and has no intention of playing. that's not including all the other junk he buys. he also collects a lot of other expensive junk on the market, like the team fortress 2 junk, even though he doesn't play the game...

you know what i would do with tens of thousands of dollars? i'd not waste it to change/boost a number on some webpage somewhere on the internet that nobody cares about.

also, when you level up your steam level you increase the number of friends you can have. whoopie! do i envy that he can have 1500 people on his friends list compared to my limit of 800? no. i prune my friends list. i'll never use that 800. i ignore random friend requests. my friend list is at around 120 and i have history with most of them. if i've never had a voice conversation with you or played a private game session with you, i'm not likely to accept your friend request...

this guy is no superstar, as kotaku reports. its just a sad case of someone throwing their money at a system because they have a problem handling money.

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@o311rocks: i've played both games excessively....

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@o311rocks: what about the base game, for those who didn't buy into the expansion...

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@ef56sd: the point is that ms removed all support for the original game they released on pc.

if you wanted the bug fixes you had to buy the game a 2nd time (truth is there were no bug fixes, so ironic)

there was no logical reason for ms to try to sell the console hd nonsense to pc gamers. pc gamers already had hd by default. yose doesn't belong on steam or pc at all. they could have patched in the few changes (not even bugfixes) between the 2 "editions" for free to pc owners, but they tried to fleece the pc crowd and that didn't work out well for them... the yose on pc was a huge flop and misstep by ms, and now it seems like ms hasn't learned a thing about the pc market, even after experiencing that failure. this is a sign of corporate being completely disconnected from the community, and treating the market like cows/sheep/dollar signs. we have a voice. they are ignorant if they think they can make a profit by treating us like that..

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Edited By wowgrandpa

@neowarrior793: check his steam account.

in the last few days, he has crafted the "steam summer sale 2016 badge" a ridiculous 12,925 times.

with each "steam sale 2016 badge" requiring 10 cards, each card about 7 cents each, that's 70 cents per time. that's over $9000.00 he spent during this steam sale just on the cards for this one badge.

^^^ this data should be in the article, in bold print.

normal games' badge only go to level 5. this means this one badge has been leveled up so many times, it is currently equivalent to that of owning 2585 games with steam badge/card support and getting each game to tier 5 badge.

you can also see how many times he leveled up the steam sale badges from previous years/events/sales. winter 2014 leveled it 6666 times. summer 2014 leveled 3333 times.

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Edited By wowgrandpa

of course this was originally found on kotaku.

you don't celebrate something like this. the person clearly has issues if they own 1/2 the games on steam. the worse issue is if they have a steam level 1000 which is just equivalent to a whale flushing money down the drain with a gambling problem.

let me explain how it works. you gain steam levels by crafting badges. each game that supports cards/badges can be crafted 5 times for 500 xp total... this process costs an average of $5 or more per game to get the tier 5 badge. and even if you owned every game on steam that supported cards/badges, that is not enough to get you to level 1000.

there is a way to bypass this, an exception to the limit of times you can level up a badge beyond 5x. you can craft the steam sale badge an unlimited amount of times. so to get level 1000 on steam you'd have to blow tens of thousands of dollars on these "limited time" 10 cards and craft the steam sale badge thousands and thousands of times during the sale window.

and that's not including the cost of buying every single steam game that supports the cards/badges, and not including the price of getting tier 5 badge on each of those games...

this sort of behavior is just unhealthy. a cry for help. shame this truth in the details here is not covered in the news take my comment as the real article....

fyi: just to go from steam level 990 to steam level 1000 would cost $700 out of pocket. that's just buying these 10 cards over and over, not games.

after 12 years, i own over 330 games on steam. of that, about 130 have cards/badge support (was just about 100 but more add it over time). my steam level is 100 because i am a moron. it took over $300 just to buy the cards to craft the badges for ~100 games i own that support it. to go beyond level 100 it would cost me $70 to go from 100-110.

and valve seems to be on a campaign to get more devs to add steam cards/badges to their old games. evidence of this: since the last steam sale, i now have 30 more games that support this that previously did not.

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@alaannn: the sad truth is fo4 has almost no replay value, and that has a ripple effect in the mod scene. most modders have no plans of giving fo4 as much effort into the mod scene as they did with skyrim.

so as an example of this, in fo4's case, we're all stuck with stupid work arounds for mod config (holotapes or aid items) because no mod team wants to bother with making an MCM for fo4. as i said, i gather that this is sadly because fo4 is not that interesting of a game, has no replay value, etc, thus has been deemed a waste of time to make.

basically the feelings are mutual for me. i loved skyrim, as did modders. this lead to me having a more enjoyable experience because modders put a lot of effort into modding skyrim and so the users got to reap the benefits of things like MCM.skyrim w/o MCM is a massive pita, because there are so many great mods, and so many have config tweaks... a nightmare without MCM.

and then there's fo4, where i again feel the same as the modders. not really feeling any replay value in fo4. modders see no incentive to mod in an MCM, even for pc community... in that respect the console community isn't missing out on much in terms of fo4 mods and there is much more parity between pc and console in the fo4 mod scene... but that's directly due to the game being mediocre.

i for one am not really looking forward to fo4 playthrough, so i can't say that "man i really wish the modders would come out with an MCM for fo4", because i'm just not that big a fan.

but for sure i want/hope skyrim SE will get SKSE/SkyUI/MCM updated for pc eventually, else there's really no reason to play SE. for me, that would be awful experience dealing with those non-MCM menus (like fo4 holotapes, etc).

by all means, let the console players enjoy mods, even if they have to suffer such undesirable methods of tweaking mod configs.. but i for one would hate to have to deal with that in skyrim.

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Edited By wowgrandpa

this is a PSA. i'm sure many will be grateful for any mods they can get on their console, but this is just a PSA, so that you are not mislead into believing you are getting a full mod experience. do not be fooled into thinking you will get access to all the glorious mods found on pc. if you really want to get the full mod experience then do it on PC.

console has massive restrictions/limitations for hosting mods. this is considerably different from pc.

for example, skyrim modding on console will be extremely gimp and will require mod authors to use/provide tedious/outdated/undesirable methods to give the user access to configure the mod's settings... because SKSE is not allowed, thus no SKYUI or MCM.

the likeliness that mod authors will change their mod to not require these dependencies is very unlikely. and even if some did, the mod would suffer immensely.

SKSE is for mods with scripting. it happens to be required by a massive amount of mods.

SKYUI is a total overhaul of the HUD. many other mods depend on it because MCM depends on it. it requires SKSE.

MCM allows mod authors to add an easy configuration menu for their mod right into the main menu, instead of adding items or silly work arounds to try to let you alter mod settings. MCM requires SKYUI and SKSE.

many popular mods' authors will not update their mod to not use MCM, given it involves tedious, clumsy, cluttered, obnoxious, very undesirable methods. and many mod authors would no longer want their work associated with that mess that is non-MCM configuration tactics.

also, no ENB's... just look at how washed out FO4 looks without an ENB. once you see how much difference an ENB makes you will not want to play without one.

again, some console players might be please with what mods they are offered, but it will a fraction of the experience they would have access to on pc.

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@Barighm: i say this in the nicest way possible... get your hands on some more pc games. they're not just prettier.

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@sladakrobot: well, seeing as both companies are buying bargain bin gpu's from amd... the only question is how long each company will wait. waiting 6 months can mean the following device will have a stronger gpu at same price from same amd...

this is the problem with consoles. as soon as you buy one it is already outdated because it is made from bargain parts that are already 2 years old (hence bargain bin), always outdated because the price point makes it so.

the only way to remain relevant would be to make a $1000 option of the same "generation" just like pc video card options...

so instead of offering 1 xbox, then a year later offering another with same gpu specs for similar price with more bells and whistles (less heat, more space, slimmer, etc) ...they should offer 2 devices simultaneously with different gpu power and different price points.

you know this would work fine. the game developers would still be able to develop their games for both devices as they've done this for pc literally forever.