wowgrandpa's comments

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Edited By wowgrandpa

actually seems like another Ryse. boring. overpriced. shallow.

looks < gameplay.

i wish more studios would refine the gameplay instead of the graphics and art.

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Edited By wowgrandpa

so every studio wants to clone 'team fortress 2' nowadays instead of 'call of duty 4'. gotcha.

other formulas:


'world of warcraft'



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@YoYoma4093: better how? do you even understand these specs? this is another paper weight. MS is trying to be like Apple, by selling new models of the same hardware to increase profit. this will not change gaming. the settings for games for xb1 / xb1s are the same. xb1s is NOT an upgrade from the xb1. just buy/build a pc and skip this Apple-style fleecing business strategy altogether.

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Edited By wowgrandpa

@ECH71: would be nice if the dlc was good and wasn't just pure settlement add-ons... also would be nice if the season pass price wasn't jacked up in price, and now even on sale is more than it was originally at full price... an insult.

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@Berserk8989: no offense, but you seem to have assumed that today is the 1st time these games have gone on sale on steam at this price... that's where you'd be wrong.

if you're still curious why steam sales are such a big deal... well, look at how many games are available on playstation, and then look at how many are on steam... playstation games go on sale, but they do not have as many games available on the platform. pc has more exclusive games than all other platforms combined, (not even including mobile games and shovelware). that includes all old consoles.

also on steam, no issue with "backwards compatibility" or a need to buy things twice when "HD" comes out on console..... my steam library is 12 years old, 350 games, and no reason for me to buy any of them a 2nd time (wtf?) as an "HD version" and no chance that the games will suddenly not be compatible if i upgrade my pc. even if you could manage to own 350 games on ps1, 2, 3, 4 combined... they wouldn't all work from ps4.

and let's not forget. even if the games were the exact same price on console and pc, console is noticeably, undeniably gimp. the fact is that the hardware in ps4/xb1 was over 2 years old on pc before it even hit the shelves. now that makes them so bad/dated that they're already announcing another next-next-gen console.

and even fallout 4 with mods on console will be gimp in comparison to pc. look at the most popular/basic/crucial/game-changing mods available on pc for bethesda games that console can't and never will get access to, etc.

consoles might have a few great exclusive games, but there's no way i'd not also play pc for everything else. consoles are just extremely gimp devices, outdated hardware, and incapable of doing what a pc can do. you could build a budget pc for cheaper that you could buy a next-gen console.

and then, when you factor in that you'd only buy a new playstation for a few great exclusive games... then the price per game goes way up. let's say you buy a console and 3 games. that's an average of over $100 per game because you must buy the console to play them, even if you got them 1/2 price or more. yet if the average price of the games i play on steam is $15, even if i built 4 pc's over the last 12 years, the math says it was still the better investment (and gaming experience). compared to buying multiple generations of consoles.

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@Gravity_Slave: same can be said for all the settlement DLC's. same reason.

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Edited By wowgrandpa

i hope this means higher resolution means we won't have to swipe left/right/up/down to see the entire vault. and hopefully, with mouse wheel, zooming will work like a charm. and the menus should be less lame, so hopefully we can more easily view the menus, like all at once instead of having to swipe left forever to see all those weapons and clothing that each dweller returns with after days outside the vault.

but still, i'd hope the game gets an entire overhaul, when i played on tablet the endurance stat was not retroactive, which meant all your starting population were gimp when they reached max level, compared to those who you raised in a specific manner (give level 1 a clothing with high endurance, then use that to train endurance to level 10, then level up... get tons more hp as a result)

also the raids on the vault were so scripted. 1. the fires and molerats were more difficult to fight based on the tier of the room, so you just avoid leveling up the room to avoid difficulty... and 2. you knew how much population would trigger deathclaw attacks, so you could just turtle just under 60 population indefinitely with relative safety, build your vault all the way, and get flush on gear and caps and a whole new generation of grown kids with 10 endurance from level 1, and THEN have a baby boom to 100 population and laugh at the deathclaw attacks, because you have great weapons and super dwellers with tons of health from gimmick endurance training....

i was hoping for more from the gameplay. changing the combat won't be enough if the endurance is still not retroactive, and the raids are still as lame as they were on tablet.

i won't hold my breath, as i know bethesda isn't great at working out the details. they typically leave their games in an undesirable state and rely on modders to fix their games... just look at the ridiculous settings they added to fo4 survival mode (like how thirsty you get). that had to be modded immediately.

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@lostn: wrong. windows 10 labels and treats everything on your pc as "an app" instead of a PROGRAM. the menus for the os are a sin.

the old school "control panel" takes a massive back seat to the new default - a tablet style method of browsing menus. you know - big ugly boxes you can click on with your fingers and swipe left to see the rest of the page... they designed it as if there wouldn't be a mouse plugged into it... but rather, only your big fat fingers.

and windows 10 (the OS, not the store) is full of shovel-ware "apps" that MS refuses to let you remove (xbox app, etc).

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Edited By wowgrandpa

i'm sure you could buy someone's virginity on ebay for cheaper than that :p

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Edited By wowgrandpa

do us one thing and then leave us be... put dx12 on windows 7.

stop shoving the tablet/touchscreen OS experience onto the desktop mouse keyboard gaming experience.

stop saying you're trying to make pc gaming better when you're doing the opposite. you're so obviously trying copy others' success, be that apple (windows app store) or be that mantle api (dx12). this is some steve jobs level of scumbaggery.