not the same as all the other stores... ALL the other stores on PC would never require you to use either of these.
PC is open platform by definition. by definition, Win10 Store is not open platform, thus the Win10 Store is NOT a "PC release storefront". MS is trying to be like Steve Jobs... proprietary, proprietary, proprietary. MS doesn't care about customer satisfaction. MS just wants to impose its will on the market.
MS treats PC gamers like fools, console players too. but pc gamers don't tolerate it. when console players no longer get mad that the new consoles no longer have backwards compatibility.. and are fine with buying the same game twice at full price on each generation "with upscaled resolution", and becomes just conditioned to it to be fine with that double dipping business model...
Imagine if Steam pulled some stupid move that forced us to buy a new operating system to play the games we've owned for years in our Steam library every few years... or new games that would work perfectly well on the previous operating system... or... imagine Steam removing all ability to access/mod our game files. or then tried to resell us "HD" versions of games at full price, when the original was ALREADY HD via access to the game files! Imagine that... then just look at MS. channeling their hero, Steve Jobs. corporate greed is so transparent, predictable, and despicable.
Everything you hear from Phil Spencer is lip service. there is a directive, and it doesn't line up with the bs coming out of their mouths.
truth: MS/Phil Spencer PR lies... is actually worse than... No Man's Sky backlash...
it's just sad truth that the gaming websites like this one refuse to come right out and hold MS feet to the fire... because places like Gamespot have to play nice with MS for advertising dollars through their website.
even an unoptimized pc port is almost always BETTER performance than the "paid by Sony to run on PS4" console performance... the exceptions to this can be listed on one hand, and we're talking decades of games...
PC just has a higher ceiling, and even if a game doesn't capitalize on the potential of that ceiling, it basically always still outperforms the consoles' ceiling.
hypocrisy! i don't see MS "engaging" with the PC community properly. they're full of bs...
MS is also tanking in the PC gaming area, due to them being stubborn with proprietary bs... exclusive Win10, and their garbage Store and UWP... it is anti-pc. (read up on UWP)
i'm not going to use Win10 or their Store, ever.
so if games like State of Decay 2 are not playable on Win7, then MS loses money, AND continues to worsen public relations with the PC gaming community (paying customers!) ...Great engagement Phil Spencer!
after the SoD YOSE on PC fiasco, MS should be apologizing ("ENGAGING") and offering the sequel to PC on Steam, not UWP garbage... a Win10 Store exclusive does NOT qualify as classifying a game as a "PC Release"..... MS should know by now that vast majority of the PC community is boycotting their store.
not only will MS software sales be low on consoles (because only fraction of console gamers own that console) but they will also get mediocre sales and ratings on PC... this is PR and financial suicide... there's a ton of money to be made through Steam, even with the cut Valve takes, it would still be more than the pathetic Win10 Store will ever see...
hbm2 on amd vega gpu is interesting, since if the nvidia 1080ti most likely isn't using hbm2... and the next line-up of gpu's from nvidia after 1080ti are quite a ways off. might force them to release 1100 series sooner to avoid losing market share to amd.
wowgrandpa's comments