casual games that try to label themselves as tactical games... well they need celebrity endorsements and big marketing budgets to win over the casuals pre-orders... because the tactical shooter audience isn't buying into it...
i play this setting on my first playthrough. no way i want to play the entire game on casual mode, ever. this mode suits me fine. it rewards me for overcoming it's difficulties, with my brain.
@RSM-HQ: just don't use automatic weapons.. and have good aim. you'll be fine. the bigger threat is your own squishyness. paladin danse is OP to have with you. the other ones are pretty useless.
more false advertising, no doubt. they promise stuff specifically for pc every year and then do not deliver... and no media holds them accountable for being liars.
this is insane. EA hasn't even bothered to detail what will be in the season pass... absolutely zero info... but hey, pre-order it anyway???
time to get off this crazy train people. EA isn't getting my money. they've released too many garbage games (great intellectual property completely squandered)\
this one costs the same as BF series... minus the single player??? okay. that's some insane inflation right there.
wowgrandpa's comments