you're free to play the game without dipping into the microtransations they throw in there to double dip, but its going to be in your face (like in-game quest givers who sell you DLC, or banners that advertise crap in game)
you're still going to pay the $60 pre-order fee. (think dead space 3 gear, battlefield 3 selling fast unlocks, even DA:O with DLC in game, etc)
@Shinra_Tensei4 microtransations in every game. you can buy all the unlocks in battlefield. you can buy crap in dead space... and every EA game going forward... cause EA are asshats playing stockmarket with shareholders and bonuses for CEO's
@Kyrylo its called withdrawal. if you got off the caffeine you won't have those headaches.
i used to have a hard time waking up in the mornings in high school. its because i worked fast food and drank dr pepper all night every night the evenings before. it makes it nearly impossible to wake up.
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