TB did a follow-up video on this, after the devs came out with a patch that let's you buy everything with real money. is this still the case?
either way, i saw a ton of twitch footage of this game and its full of cheese/exploits that make the game pointless to play. power-leveling yourself is easy and free, so there's no reason to spend real money on this game.
the restricted camera sucks, and the combat is cut and paste from a game that, as much as i enjoyed GoW1, the sequels are all just not the fresh experience like the first so i'm heavily turned of by the GoW formula.
meanwhile.... pc's with Windows 7 allow for 16GB of RAM.
but let's not misunderstand the real limits of the consoles' hardware (and by proxy - the entire gaming industry). the gpu's the console are using are bargain bin dx11 hardware. you could have built a budget gaming pc 2 years ago and still out perform these upcoming consoles.
this low-end hardware being used limits how much stuff you can have on screen at one time (at a playable frame rate). this leads to devs making games with lower field of view so there is less stuff on screen (not because your eyes demand it if playing from a couch like the lead you to believe)...
@wolf503 the reason the ports are delayed is because they are discouraging console owners from skipping the legit purchase. they want to isolate the console owners choices so they can get paid.
but the problem then lies in the fact that console owners will go one step further to **** over the publishers by buying the game used, which means the publisher and developer see zero money from a used copy that gets resold 10 times a year.
wowgrandpa's comments