you mean the people who own consoles... won't buy it on console if they can just pirate it on pc day one? sounds about right.
console gamers are dirty little pirates if given the chance, thus is the philosophy of the publishers to not give them that opportunity. they know what happened to the music industry.
pc gamers on the other hand... are the type of gamers that have a Steam library of over 200 legit games and never have they once fucked over the publisher by trading in used games to save $5 of their allowance from mowing the lawn. by design, pc games do not suffer from this injustice on publishers who deserve their share of every sale. **** gamestop for ruining this industry. and **** your $5 savings.
@crolin @MoreThot when the next-gen consoles get here... you let us know how often you see this happen (with any game)
hint: if they delay pc releases next-gen, they shoot themselves in the foot because they have to release all future console games to pc ASAP to beat the emulators to it. else they forgo all that profit.
and many so called "pirates" would rather buy a legit copy of a game on steam than have to resort to an emulator. steam has converted many ex-pirates over the years. personally, i'm the proud owner of over 200 games in my steam library.
@Adultgamer2011 you mean the 100 million copies of used games sold through gamestop every single year, year in and year out, that publishers don't see a dime of profit from?
check yourself. the used console games market (gamestop) is THE FUCKING SINGLE reason why DLC was invented. period.
pro tip: stop buying used games from gamestop. that $5 you saved is fucking over the industry/hobby we all love.
@jhcho2 @wowgrandpa windows 7 will accept 16GB of RAM. PC RAM is cheap as hell. anyone can rejoin the modern PC world and add more RAM so long as they get rid of that dinosaur Windows XP.
let's be real here. Consoles are not going to be pushing the limits of games. they are stuck at 720p, and next-gen will only increase that to 1080p. PC gamers have been upset for quite some time now that the standard has stalled at 1080.
consoles are also stuck with horrible field of view - not because "its the best for sitting at a couch distance away from a tv" that's garbage. i own consoles and can't stand it. tunnel vision is tunnel vision.
consoles narrow FOV is forced on the industry out of necessity because it means less stuff on the screen, because the consoles can't promise 60 frames a second if they were to expand the fov, because the hardware is BARGAIN BIN hardware.
but ignorance is bliss. whatever helps the console owners sleep well at night.what they don't know won't hurt them. that's the philosophy.
@Adultgamer2011 @wowgrandpa i'm not begging. i could really care less about this one fricken game in a sea of hundreds of games i own on steam.
to me, gta is like cod and wow - they aren't as amazing as they once were.
and let's address the real story that none of the gaming websites have the balls to talk about. the false labeling of next-gen games as console exclusives. that term is going to die over the next few years, because there will be no game exclusives. microsoft tried using that term so many times at E3 this year for xb1 titles, but they are all announced for PC (because they know its inevitable).
what part of the definition do they not comprehend? well, to be fair, microsoft knows all too well what's up. they're just trying to reel in a bunch of people into buying their next console, cause once you buy one, you're determined to stick with it.
but there's absolutely no need to be dicked around by sony and microsoft any more. you don't have to decide which "exclusives" are better, and which console has the better games. PC will have them all. period. just walk away from the console wars and have best of both on pc.
@frylock1987 @wowgrandpa ell, don't get used to it. that sort of thing is in the past now. the new consoles won't be able to do this, because they won't need to be ported at all since its all the same hardware (all are pc hardware this time)
which means either the publishers do simultaneous release for pc for every single fucking console game next-gen, or they immediately lose out on day 1 pc sales potential when the emulators are there.
@jhcho2 wait 6 months and you'll change your tune. nothing can stop pc this generation. the consoles are made of x86 pc architecture hardware. that means no console will be able to make a "true" exclusive because every console game is ready to be played on a pc without the need to "port it over".
@Adultgamer2011 hey bro. try not to make yourself out to be such an idiot.
as much as publishers tried to pull away from pc ports this generation, they will be all aboard for this next-gen.
you want to know why? because if they don't, then they lose money - flat out. if they don't port it then the emulators will do it for them. so its in their best interest to port it themselves and at least offer it up for sale on pc to get a piece of the money, rather than let the emulators do it and they see no money.
its time to wrap your head around how next-gen works. console "exclusives" are now redundant. nothing anybody can do to stop it. but by all means, please continue to try to decide which console to buy.... my 3 year old pc can already handle any game they put on them for the next 10 years.
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