Well It's been like a week and I've been having fun, What dose everyone think of Kurt Angle now being the TNA World Champion, Kurt Angle is holding the Championship, and I know what everyone is thinking, Why is wwe4ever_in05, talking about TNA, for well I have thought it through and I like TNA, and WWE the same but, TNA is looking like my kind of Wrestling a little bit more, Wait There I go again, typing without thinking, I like TNA but WWE is far better, that and hopefully the News I read last night about how Kurt Angle is now want to not be apart of WWE is a bunch of bull.
But what Else is new WWE and TNA are both Wrestling companies, and I wish I could have my own wrestling Company, But then again, I kind-of have my own with XSW, Xtreme Skull Wrestling, But it is just something that me and a fewFriends are really doing for fun, I kind of see this as my own wrestling company, But I also know that WWE and TNA don't know about it, cause of that it's between me, and my two friends, I'm kind-oflike the WWE and same for my other two friends, but what we do is we can't owneach others wrestlers, and same goes for WWE Superstars, and TNA Wrestlers, but we each have enough to get our sets of wrestlers, like for instants, we each have are own Heavyweights, Lightweights, and Women's Divisions, but where do we get themyou ask, we get them from Independent wrestling Companies.
But anyway, That is what I do to fill up my day, other then Watching Wrestling and Playing on my Nintendo Wii, that is really it.
But I do find it really intresting that WWE is having Donald Trump, run Raw, for now, until WWE finds something else todo, with Raw, because I know why WWE is doing this, it's because Smackdown has alot of the FansFavorite WWE Superstars, so what can WWE do that can have Raw's ratings rise, that is why WWE brought in Trump, I also like to say that ECW looking to be doing really well, and hopefully, WWE can do something with ECW like bring back the WWE Hardcore Championship.
But other then that I must Go, But I will be back.
Later, wwe4ever_in05.
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