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wwe4ever_in05 Blog

Well this stinks

Last night I had a big problem, and that was I had a Seizure last night well it actually was today, but I doesn't matter I lived through it, and hopefully it was my last but I know it's not going to be my last, but whatever, so does anyone want to know how my Dentist Appointment went?????

Well to answer your Question about my Appointment........................................... I didn't Go, I cancelled it, cause of my Seizure, But other then that I've been really tired today, but who knows what tomorrow will bring, but I can say this that I will be watching WWE Superstars, and maybe some of TNA iMPACT!, but anyway I hope everyone dose have a nice day, I hope to talk to some people this weekend.

Peace Out,

Level Up MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finally did what the Topic says I leveled up, to 38, DJ Boy, and am so very happy that I had decided to stick with Gamespot, But any way I will also say that thing should be changing the next few Days, Like for one Tomorrow, I will finally have my last Dentist Appointment, with the Filling (Or how ever you should Spell it), But also I'm going to try and Update my Banner it is getting kind-of old, and I wouldn't mind seeing a few Suggestions.

But other then that I think that is really it, I hope everyone likes the new Pic of Brak that I will be Posting right after I'm finished with this.

So other then that I hope everyone has a nice 4th of July, and I may or may-not post that day but if I do then I will talk to you then But until then I hope everyone has a nice 4th.

This has been wwe4ever_in05, reporting.

So many deaths, so little time.

it all started a few days ago with Ed McMahon, and then Farrah Fawcett, and then the King of Pop Michael Jackson, and then todayt it's Infomercial King Biully Mays.

Too bad for every and there familes.

Well this was a short one, Thisa has been wwe4ever_in05 signing off.

Crazy Blogging.

Today, I consider on why I like to watch wrestling, and Sports, well I think it is very obvious, I can thank my Dad for lettingme learn how to know when a Pin to win the match is a 1....2.....3.

Also for having me watch alot of Baseball, Hockey, Basketball, and Football, I do like all of them alot, So here is to you DAD.

Wait I think I just thanked my Dad about watching Sports and Wrestlng, and also I think I really meant it, too, and I think I'm going to lose my Mind, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

There I feel alot more better now. :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:lol::lol::lol:

But I also think that WWE is doing alot more better in the Ratings then TNA, but you never EVER know when TNA may do something really stupid like, like, Invade the WWE, wait that already happened, I think TNA will most likely just go Bankrupt, I mean what happens when Sting gose away and dosen't come back, I know he won't goto WWE, but I mean Retire, and then there is AJ, Joe, Booker T,Nash, Steiner, and ever Mick Foley, they will all have to crawl to Vincent K. McMahon, and Kiss his ***, but if there is one thing that I do know and that is TNASucks, and will never Make it to the Big times,

This has been wwe4ever_in05 reporting.

Blah, blah, blah, oh, I mean Blog, Blog Blog.

Well It's been like a week and I've been having fun, What dose everyone think of Kurt Angle now being the TNA World Champion, Kurt Angle is holding the Championship, and I know what everyone is thinking, Why is wwe4ever_in05, talking about TNA, for well I have thought it through and I like TNA, and WWE the same but, TNA is looking like my kind of Wrestling a little bit more, Wait There I go again, typing without thinking, I like TNA but WWE is far better, that and hopefully the News I read last night about how Kurt Angle is now want to not be apart of WWE is a bunch of bull.

But what Else is new WWE and TNA are both Wrestling companies, and I wish I could have my own wrestling Company, But then again, I kind-of have my own with XSW, Xtreme Skull Wrestling, But it is just something that me and a fewFriends are really doing for fun, I kind of see this as my own wrestling company, But I also know that WWE and TNA don't know about it, cause of that it's between me, and my two friends, I'm kind-oflike the WWE and same for my other two friends, but what we do is we can't owneach others wrestlers, and same goes for WWE Superstars, and TNA Wrestlers, but we each have enough to get our sets of wrestlers, like for instants, we each have are own Heavyweights, Lightweights, and Women's Divisions, but where do we get themyou ask, we get them from Independent wrestling Companies.

But anyway, That is what I do to fill up my day, other then Watching Wrestling and Playing on my Nintendo Wii, that is really it.

But I do find it really intresting that WWE is having Donald Trump, run Raw, for now, until WWE finds something else todo, with Raw, because I know why WWE is doing this, it's because Smackdown has alot of the FansFavorite WWE Superstars, so what can WWE do that can have Raw's ratings rise, that is why WWE brought in Trump, I also like to say that ECW looking to be doing really well, and hopefully, WWE can do something with ECW like bring back the WWE Hardcore Championship.

But other then that I must Go, But I will be back.

Later, wwe4ever_in05.

Bloganomics 8 Final and Farewell.

I will not be coming back so please post yourFarewells to me.

Other then that I will see no one later. :(


PS No one can change my mind but I will say this that no one made me mad, but I will be on till the end of tonight.

Bloganomics 7: The Stuggle goes on.

Well I know it's been a while, and yes I know that the Cavaliers are out of the Playoffs, so let us not really talk about that, too much but that is one of the things that is having me Type out this blog, So let us talk alittle bit about this.

The Cleveland Cavaliers are not going to the NBA Finals to face the Lakers, but I do hope the best, and the Best being that the Lakers win, and don't play around with the Magic, plus I don't really care that LeBron didn't shake any of the Magic's hand but would you if the Magic beat you when it should of LeBron and the Cavs going to the Finals, I would understand if the Cavs would of lost by two or three point to Orlando in Cleveland in game 5, but no matter.

Here is the other part of why I named this Blog what I named it, I still can't play video games I think It has something to do with either one of two things: I either can'tStand playing the Wii any more or I just don't have the Heart to play it any more.

But to finish up this Blog I think I will be giving my MySpace Website, it is,

Bloganomics 6: Happy B-Day to my Gamespot Profile.

Making this short and sweet and also HAPPY, It was actually yesterday, but still am awake, so why not I hope everyone has a nice rest of the week, because the 19th of May, 2009 is my 4th year of being apart of Gamespot. YAY :):):):):)

Peace out everyone. :P:P:P:P:P:D:D:D

Bloganomics 5: The really long continuing story.

Well I know what everyone is going to say why is it the continuing story????????

Well I think I should have my own little story book, so that is what this really is.

But on to the Blog, I think this weeks sport have been really good, I also thin k this has to be one of the longest weeks ever, the reason is 'cause, I have two yes count them two, Dentist Appointments, in the next, 4 days, one on the 15th of May (Tomorrow), and then one on the 18th of May (This comingMonday), so Hope a pray for me. :(:|

In other news I have been getting o MySpace alot more and in the next Blog, I will give out my URL.

But I know this looks like it is short and sweet but I can't think of anything else, So I guess I will Blog for another day. :)

Bloganomics 4: the Continuing Story. lol

Well well well, welcome back to the Continuing story of the one thee only Bloganomics 4.

I think it about to talk al little bit more about, Sports, I think today, it will be all about baseball, so let us get started.

I really like how the Cleveland Indians are playing, right now, and same goes for the Colorado Rockies, those are my two favorite teams, but I think this year there is going to be two or three surprise teams, like the KansasCity Royals, the Toronto Blue Jays, and the Baltimore Orioles that was in the AL, then in the NL, there is really no team that sticks out right now but I hope the Rockies make it again, but that most likely won't happen even with Manny being suspened for 50 games.

But I will say that the Indians are playing with alot of heart today Vs. the Chi-Sox, and hopefully they can finish out this series, with a win.

I will now talk alittle bit about WWE, I think last nights ECW was a really great show, but too bad that Jack Swagger may just win the ECW Championship back this Sunday.

Also I think Edge is going to win but I'm not going into detail but I'm really getting close to making another Union, and hopefully, It will be a success.

But now on to the other thing on my mind and you guessed it, Punch Out Wii, it is only six days away from the release, I hope it's as good as I hope for it to be.

But other then that I hope everyone has a nice Day. :):):):):):):):):):):)