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wwe4ever_in05 Blog

Facebook and other stuff.

This is my Facebook account, and if anyone has one then I Hope you will become my friend.

The other stuff is about the PS3 Slim Vs. the Nintendo Wii, I really hope alot of people won't take it the wrong way like I stated in the Blog called PS3 Slim???????????

I stated that I would sell my Wii for a new PS3 Slim, which is $299.99 and then I also said that I had a few games in mind to get for the PS3 Slim, the most important out of all of them is Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010, just so that then I would be assured a good game, to play, and plus I do still like the Wii but, I think that it is a system that I have grown out of, I grew up in the Button mashing stage, with Nintendo,Super Nintendo,Sega, and then finally N64, and PlayStation, but I have never ever played a X-Box, or a X-Box 360, and I never ever do plan on it, PS3 Slim, is looking to be the hottest thing this Christmas, and with how old I am now, I can pay for this PS3 Slim for a good price oin my own with help from the Wii, Wii games and The Wii Accessories.

But other then that I hope everyone will forgive and forget what I said inb my last blog.

PS3 Slim?????????

I'm really thinking alot about getting a PS3 Slim, and what I have to do to get one issell my Nintendo Wii, and the games, then go and buy a PS3 Slim after my B-Day, so I'm hoping that I can't then start playing more games, I'm growing out of the Nintendo Wii stage, and wanting to playing more games with better graphics.

Here is my wish List:

  • WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010
  • NCAA Football 2011 (Next years game)
  • NHL 10
  • NBA 10

There's alot more, but those are thetop ones. :P

But other then that I hope I can buy this system, before the End of October.

But other then that I will keep everyone up to date, on that, and that is really it.

Thank you for reading, and please comment, what you think of this.

Raw, ECW, Superstars, and Smackdown.

Well I think it's about time for a new Blog, I think in this Blog we will talk about the WWE TV Shows.

RAW: the oldest of all of the shows,Gone through it's ups and downs, but the best thing about this show is it still the only show I watch every time it's on, but with this whole GM Guest Hosts ting that has been going on lately, it on it's own has had a few guest that I really don't care for, but what amI going to do, I really can't do anything about it, so all in all with Raw coming in to the Fall, and should I already say it WINTER, I really think WWE needs to pick up the pieces and make a good move, 'cause I think this whole Guest Host GM is geeting to the end of the rope, but with RAWbeing the live show I guess they think it's for the best.

My Raw rating this summer, has been above average, but all in all I will give it a 8/10.

ECW:I think this Show really hasn't had much pop, since Even Bourne, and Jack Swagger left, and same goes for Mark Henry too, I think the whole The Hurricane Vs. Paul Burchill is cool, but it doesn't interest me too too much, but then again I'm talking aboutECWthe onlyshow thathas One Championship, I think if they every do get a second Hour they could really then push for another Championship, like the one that I've been waiting for to come back, the Hardcore Championship, but that is one of many of my dreams for ECW, Christian has been a really great Champion, but I think William Regal isn't good enough to be ECW Champion.

My ECW Rating for this summer, alittle average to below average, but here it is 5/10.

WWE Superstars: Another show that can't be talk about too much but all in all if they could just make more Championship matches for this show, then I would be more happy, but yeah I can't talk too much about this show, just 'cause WWE Superstars, just started early this summer.

My WWE Superstars Rating for this summer, Average but not too bad, 4/10

Smackdown:This show is the Second oldest show around the WWE, it's has had a reall great Summer, I like see CM Punk still holding the World Heavyweight Championship, but I think he will lose a HiaC, I'm happy that Jeff is gone so Matt can go for a championhip, also John Morrison has won n the IC Championship from Rey Mysterio a few weeks ago, and then other then that I think WWE is using Dolph Ziggler as a really great superstar, so hopefully Morrison and Ziggler get fighting soon.

My Smackdown Rating for this summer, way above average, here it is 9/10

Other then that I think I will bid a farewell. :)

WWE and More stuff.

WWE Raw last nightwith Bob Barkerwas a good show, I liked it from beginningto end, I loke the way WWE had Santino and Jillian in there, plus IRS, and then.................Chris Jericho??????????

That was really funny, :lol: it was a good show, Until the Chicago White Sox Player, AJ Pierzynski, and I thought he was going to win the Wrestlemania trip with him being anon-wrestler, but thank goodness Santino won, but then he Faces Big Show in a Body Slamming Contest...................................... Big Show won, but then Mark Henry faced Big Show in the same match and Henry won, with a BIG Body Slam by Henry on Big Show.

I also can't wait till next week, the First WomenGM will be on Raw, Trish Stratus. :)

I hope next week will just as good, I think next week will be good with Batista coming back to announce something for his Career.

But other then that all I have to say is Football is starting this week, with the Hockey Season will be the next one after that.

I've got a New Yahoo Fantasy Hockey League,

It is a Custom League.

Here is the Info about this league:

Autopick Draft

Max Teams:12

Scoring Type:Head-to-Head

Max Moves:No maximum

Max Trades:No maximum

Trade Reject Time:1

Trade End Date:No trade deadline

Waiver Time:1 day

Can't Cut List Provider:Yahoo! Sports

TradeReview:League Votes

Post Draft Players:Free Agents

Max Acquisitions per Week:No maximum

Min Games Played:3Weekly Deadline:Daily - Tomorrow

Start Scoring on:Week 1


Playoff Seeding Options:Division winners awarded top playoff seeds

Roster Positions:C, LW, RW, D, D, D, Util, G, G, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, IR, IR, IR

Forwards/Defensemen Stat Categories:Goals (G), Assists (A), Points (P), Plus/Minus (+/-), Powerplay Goals (PPG), Powerplay Assists (PPA), Powerplay Points (PPP), Shorthanded Points (SHP), Game-Winning Goals (GWG), Shots on Goal (SOG)

Goaltenders Stat Categories:Wins (W), Goals Against Average (GAA), Save Percentage (SV%), Shutouts (SHO)

And of course I can change stuff I anyone has an Idea.

log'B is Blog

Welp, I know no one really understand the Topic Title but do we really have too, but to tell you honestly it's Pig Latin.

I think I'm just wanting more people to say stuff to me about my blogs.

But on to what I'm going to talk about in this Blog.

I think this week, compared to last weekend, is kind'of boring , but I guess it because of no WWE Summerslam, or if you want to be funny Summerfest. :P

But I guess it going to be a sad beginning to this coming week and then the rest will be better, it is my fault but I hope Raw will make my pain stop, because I'm finally going to have my final Dentistfilling:(, and then I'm hopefully done for a long, long time,:)

I think I'm hoping and thinkg of the Dentist too much, it's really just the Numbing and the Drilling and then the Filling is easy, 'cause I like seeing the Lady that dose my Fillings, she has such pretty browneyes. :)

But I hope everything goes well for me.

But now on to oither stuff, I hope the Rockies can win the series Vs. the Giants, along with everyone else.

But other then thyat I will Blog after my Dentist Appt. :|

SD Vs. RAW 10, and more.

I heard from somewhere I think it was on the WiiSD Vs. Raw 10 Board, that we can use the Gamecube controller or the Classic Controller, along with the Wii-Mote, or some thing like that, I'm really happy that this years SD Vs. Raw game is going to hopefully be alot like WWF/E No Mercy, and/or like WWEDOR 2, only with more Online stuff you can most likely do (Unlike last years), but all in all I hope that this game doesn't suck too much, but for real sense I know it won't.

But now on to other stuff, I really have been enjoying myself more but I want to say something to all of my Friends that I don't really want to join any more Unions, I have the right amount and right now it is about time for the Football Hcokey and Basketball season are going to start, so that is going to be the Unions I'm going to be on a lot in that order too, but also I'm hpe for Base ball to get really interesting, the Rockies are doing great, I know that it maybe a long shot but it has happened before but maybe they can win it all this year.

I also don't like the way the Panther looked on Monday, Vs. Giantsa but I know it's just Preseason, but I know theat the Browns are going to do bad this year again.

But the Buckeye should do great again this year.

Anbd then the Cavs have gotten the Big Man Shaq, so I think they will also do great with him and Lebron.

And then there is the One and the only Columbus Blue Jackets, and their season this year they have been quiet, so far, but I just know that they are going to do better then lot of team I know that they are not going win all of their games but They Should do alot better then last year, I just want them to win Vs. Detroit Red Wings more times then the Red Wings.

And then there is also the WWE and TNA, I can't wait untill this Sunday, Summerfest :P, I mean Summerslam, but anyway I can't wait until DX Vs. Legacy, and also Punky Punk Vs. Jeff "The Clown" Hardy, and the there is also the Kane Vs. Khali, match Which could be a squash match against Kane.

But other then that till next time.

Have a Blgging day. :D

Life in O.H.I.O.

Well right now any way it is kind of slow, but the Browns Season is about to start in a month or so, so that is good even though they lose alot of games like usualBut with the Football season starting up means were getting really close to the NHL Season from starting, I love the NHL so much, I has to be my favorite sport next to WWE Wrestling, and then football, then baseball and then Basketball, Imay have said this already but don't care too much for Golf and Auto Car Racing, but I guess it could be worse I could be Watching TNA Wrestling. :P

But I like living in Ohio and I really want to watch a Hockey game Live, next to going to Colorado and going to a Rockies game, at Coors Field.

But othen that I will again some other time. :P

Everything in life just get sweeter and sweeter.

Well to start off I have started playing NHL 2K9 again, and am really enjoying it, but do also know this that I think I know why I don't like to play my wii as much and that reason, is because my Dachshund Star, doesn't like it when I swing the Wii-Mote around, alot, IO think he thinks that I'm going to hurt him with it or something so I think I'm going to try it again after this blog and see what he dose I know he doesn't like it when I play Wii Sports Baseball, and Boxing, but I was think of playing Single player Sword play on Wii Sports Resort, I will keep everyone up to date on that problem, and also I was just looking at my games and I know he also doesn't like it when I play Tiger Woods PGATour10, and WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 09, but we will see.

But on to other stuff, I do also think I'm starting to really getting Impatient for Football again and Hockey, I hope it not too much longer.

But also I hope the Colorado Rockies take the Wild card spot in the NL, I kn ow the Indians are not going to make it to the playoffs, but I'm just hoping for that.

I think, that this years Summerslam will be really good, I hope that DX does make one more run, but if they don't the that is ok too, But I really, really hope for the best for WWE.

And with that I will bid everyone a farewell.......................... For now. :P