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wwe4ever_in05 Blog

2009 The Past, 2010 The Present, and 2011 The Future.

Well with the New Year almost a little more then halfa month in I think that, this maybe the year I finally get noticed, I don't really know what that means unless I get noticed by a girl or something like that, but I will say this if not that then there is always 2011, and plus, I still have like, 11 and a 1/2 months left alot of time till 2011, But beyond that I think we/I should be talking about all of the stuff that is going to happen in the next few months so let us get started.

This month has alot of great things like for instance the Westminster Dog Show, I love and I mean love watching this Dog show everyone can say what they want but I love this show, another thing that is going to be good this year for February is the Winter Olympics, I know that everyone that does know me will think that I 'm going to talk alot about Hockey, but thatIS my most Favorite Sport but I think I'm going to talk alittle about the sport of Curling, I think it has to be one of the more interesting games I mean it's kind-of likeChess but a little more advanced, and on it's on ice, but next to that and of-course Hockey the next sport would have to be Bobsledding, but I don't know:? there is something else like the Elimination Chamber PPV for WWE, and I never do get it, btstill I like to read about the results, I just remembered the Superbowl 44is going to be on the 7th of February,but other then that that is really it for February.

This month is a really good one I think it's a great month to watch Hockey, and Basketball Pro and Collage, but I was really think Collage for the nfact that, that is March Madness Month, also WWEWresltemania 26 on PPVMarch 28th, that is going to be a great show, I also know that This certian month has Spring Training Baseball, but other then that I think that is it for March.

I will do ther rest of the months after a while But for now I hope everyone enjoys the Rest of this part of the Year.

Royal Rumble 2010

Things thatI'm going to dothis weekend, and plus stuff about the Royal Rumble.

I would really like to start, with the Royal Rumble 2010:

The first match that comes to mind is Randy Orton Vs. Sheamus for the WWE Championship, Sheamus is the Champion, but I still think he should be Champion After this PPV ends, Orton doesn't need the WWE Championship, and also Orton is going to most likely face Ted DiBiase Jr., at Wretlemania 26, unless he (DiBiase Jr.) wins the Rumble, Which could happen.

This next match is going to be a good one, Ezekiel Jackson Vs. Christian for the ECW Championship,Christain is the Champion, I do see this be better then some other people think, it will not be a Squash match, I see Ezekiel Jackson winning the ECW Championship,I also see this letting Christian getting his ticket out of ECW, and letting more younger start to fight for the ECW Championship, but the Main thing is, I see Christian Winning the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania 26.

Then there is the Rumble match for which I see some body like a Kofi Koingston, or a Ted DiBiase Jr, winning it Out of the Smackdown wreslters, I see either Chris Jericho or Batista/Mysterio (Who ever doesn't win tonight in the Cgae match will most likely be in this), but I don't see WWE letting someon e like Triple H win or Cena, the only one I could see winning the Rumble and winning it beforewould be, Batista/Mysterio, the only talent theat ECW has is Kozlov, and William Regal, but all in all I would like to see Kane win it but that's not going to happen, but the only other wrestler other then either Mysterio or Batista is Shawn Micheals so then he can cash it in to face The Undertaker for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Other then that I don't know who The Uandertaker will face but I will say that it won't watter, The Undertakerr will still win.

I'm also going to be watching some NFL Football, I see Ravens over Colts, Jets over Chargers, Cowboys over Vikings, Cardinals over Saints.

But other then that I don't think I'm going to be doing too much else.

Have a nice a Safe Weekend and alsoHave aBlogging day. :):):D:D

Platinum for SD Vs. R is mine.

Yes it is true I finally got the Platinum Trophy for Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010, I love how I feel right now but I did get it last night, at around 6:49 PM.

So other then that, Raw is on tonight with Mike Tyson, and there will be NO TNA iMPACT! 3 hour special, but I think the smart thing that WWE should do is have Hart and McMahon rivalry going as soon as possible, I really do think that would be the Smartest thing to do tonight.

But other then that I will be trying to Blog more often so I hope everyone gets used to me Blogging.

And don't forget to Have a Blogging Day. :D

Platinum for SD VS R coming soon = WM 26 thoughts

That's right I'm going to have my first Platinum, I have only a few more things to Unlock and I hope I can get the 100Reversals Trophy soon too, then that will be it, then I will lay other games Like MW 2, and NHL 10, and some others.

So I hope everyone is having a nice week and enjoying all the snow, cause we (Ohio) are going to get alot more, I really think WWE Raw this past week was a great show, and especially since it was 2 hours and not 3.

I also must say I think this coming weeks Raw will be good since Bret Hart, is going to confront, Vince McMahon, with WWE signing Bret Hart to a Contract, And most likelyit will be Hart Vs. McMahon at WM 26, I think this will be a good WM, coming up, along with MitB WWE will most likely let someone that really needs it win it, I don't want to say anything, but I myself wouldn't min d seeing WWE let Edge win it by being a surprise entrant in the MitB match, even though WWE wants to have Edge face Jericho at 'mania 26.

But then there is also the match that WWE really want too do, and that is The Undertaker Vs. Shawn Micheals 2, I wouldn't mind seeing that or, John Cean Vs. The Undertaker, But you never ever know anymore with WWE, I hope and Know Wrestlemania 26 will be great like always.

But other then that I do really hope hope everyone Enjoys their Weekend it only ma few hours away for some of you, But then again I don't have a Job thanks to my Epileptic Seizures, but it has been 6 Months.

But anyway I must say this, Have a Nice Blogging Day.

Happy Early New Year, and What I got after Christmas

I first hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas, and I hope everyone did get what they wanted, but now I must say a-do, to that.

I'm also here to wish everyone an early, Happy 2010 (New Year), plus, I think this is going to be a great year for me, but I always say that.

And now on to the last topic,I got two 25 Dollar GamestopGift Cards. and two 25 Dollar Best Buy Gift Cards,forChristmas,andI used the Gamestop Gift Cards for Three Games, Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and Fallout 3, I of course used the Gift Cards and Gamestop, had a thing going on where if you bought two Pre-Owned games, then you got the Third free, Like for me Fallout and Heavenly Sword were the two I bought, and Ninja Gaiden Sigma was Free.

So other then thatI hope, everyone enjoyed their Christmas.

Have a Blogging day. :P:)

Marry Christmas 2009 and have a Happy New Year..

Well it's a week away till all of the Hustle andBussel of this christimas season will happen, I really hope I get some cool tuff this year, I know that alot of Boxes have been coming UPS, but other then that I just hope everyone has a nice and safe Weekend, and Week, so what else is there to say other then that I also Hope everyone gets what they want this year.

I also am hoping for everyone to have a Safe a Happy New Year.

I can't wait for Christmas I'm the kind of the guythat will never hate or dislike Christmas, I love it so much, But I am happy it only happens Once a year, like everything else.

Other then that I must say I hope everyone has aMerry Blogging Christmas, and a Happy Blogging New Year.

Cleveland Browns Win and more.

Well it finally happened,Browws won Vs. Pittsburgh Steelers, I love this so much, I think Cribbs isright that this was all the Browns Fans Christmas Present I lovewhen the Brownsbeatthe Steelers, and ruin their Playoff hopes, It may of been a ugly game, but they won, So with that I'm one of the happiest NFL Fans ever.

While even though the Browns Won the Blue Jackets lost to Nashville in a Heart Breaking Shootout, and the Cavs have been falling on hard times, but the Ohio State Buckeye will be facing the Oregon Ducks at the Rose Bowl.

I also am hopingfor a nice and happy Christmas, and with WWE TLC this weekend it will really be a great PPV, I like to see what WWE does with Shemus after he loses to Cena in the Tables match, andsamegoesfor the ECW Championship match with Christian and Shelton Benjamin in their Ladder match, so I think I'm not going to get the PPV, BUT I will be watching and seeing who won each match on WWEv's Union board, I like to get it, but I don't think so, and lastly about the TLC PPV, I like to see DX Win but they won't, but I will not be putting my predictions up on here in this Blog.

But on to other newsTHedamn winds are still blowing heavily, but I'm almost done with Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010 for the PS3, anbd then I'm going to then get back to playing, NHL 10.

But other then that I really can't think of too much else to say/type.:P

But I will be doing another blog soon enough, and I hope everyone enjoys my Review of SD Vs. Raw 2010.

But other then that I hope evey one enjoys their weekend.

Have and Nice a Safe Blogging Day. :P:)

Why can't WWE get it right.

ECW is going to go away forever, from what I know, it's sad but in another way it's good, too, with Christain moving from ECW to either Smackdown, or Raw, I just hope all of the Superstar of ECW don't get Cut, like Yoshi Tatsu, and The Hurricane, and so on and so forth, But I think it will get interesting toward the end of ECW, with like I already said, where everyone goes, but you know I just wonder how WWE will put ECW to rest?????

But other then that and I'm one Level higher, I'm now on Level 41, andRank, Thunder Force, I hope everyone had a nice week end, but I think that this week and weekend will be better, with all the NCAA Football on, and NFL too.

Also I hope somemore people that want to be my friend on Facebook, Just Search Daniel Elavsky, and I'm the one on from Akron, Ohio.

I hope everyone has a nice Blogging day. :)

Happy Turkey day.

Well tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I would like to say that I hope everyone has a nice a enjoyable day.

And just wanted to also say that I'm Thankful for having alot of friends on Gamespot.

I also want to say no one has to comment on thius one like the last one, just don't woory about ME :cry:, I'll, I'll be fine. :cry:

:twisted::P:lol:I hope everyone has a nice Turkey Day, and a nice Blogging day.