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wwe4ever_in05 Blog

WWE Wrestlemania 26 only 4 days left + other stuff.

WWE has been doing really good with the build up there is only WWE Superstars and WWE Smackdown, then it's then weekend, and I can start to do some things, like for one make my predictions but I want to see what WWE has in store for this weeks Smackdown, and Superstars.

Then there was last night where I watched the Main event of WWE NXT, it was ok, but still I thought it wasn't as good as ECW, even though ECW was Dumbed down to the PG Rating.

WWEshould really get the ball rolling with NXT, I don't care too much for the new up and coming wrestlers, I mean I like some, but I think it's a show to get more better ratings for one thing and for the other it's also being used to push some of the young talent and also to show that you don't need Championships to be good.

I really like to see somethings change in NXT but that is just me, but here is the one main thing, I woulddn't mind it so much if The Miz wasn't on there, but I guess WWE wants to push him as a heel then I think they could really think up of a better way then this.

All in all WWE has better stuff going on then TNA, I mean TNA is ok but it is no where near as popular as WWE, I think through it all WWE could buy out TNA but, WWE most likely wants to see where TNA goes with there company, and I must say WWE hastaken all of the FlairVideos from then beginning ofall WWE show.

But I must also say, I'm very impressed with all TNA is trying to do get ratings. but if TNA would just do what I think is right and that is, either they should goto another day opr start there show, an hour earlier, I think either would work but, IMO I would like them to stay on Monday andstart at 8:00 then 9:00.

But I guess that is just my thoughts on that.

I also must say that I'm very Upset with my PS3 Slim, I was playing NHL 10, and I wastheSyracuse Crunch, and I was up againts the Edmonton Oilers, and I was winning 4-1. and then the darn game froze right when I scored goal #5, I just don't uderstand why it did that?????

I'm going to try it again soon maybe either Today or Tomorrow, bnut other then that Istill don't understand why it did that, I really wish I could understand Why, but I guess I'll never know.

Blog Ya Later. :P:):D

Wrestlmania 26 is only 8 days..........

I must say this has got to be one of the greatest cards in Wrestlamania history, but with all of these matches, I reallycould seeWrestlamania26 being for 4 hours, with Shawn Micheals Vs. The Undertaker being the longer matches, so through it all I really can't wait until it's March 28th, 2010, it is going to be a really great night.

But the only other thing I'm thinking about right now is how Kansas lost to N. Iowa and also the rest of the NCAA B-Ball Tournament, and then there is also the Columbus Blue Jackets, and the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Blog ya later!!!!!! :P

No one knew I was gone???????

Yes it was true I was gon e for a few days, and now I'm back to say that I'm staying for goold with Wrestling, I had a odd feeling that WWE would do something stupid with Wrestlemania 26, but I don't really care I'm staying no matter what and I'm getting the PPV.

But also I noticed that this is where I need to be not anywhere but here, on Gamespot.

So other then that I hope everyone has a wonderful Night, and I'll talk to everyone tomorrow. ;)

Leveling up + WWE Wrestlemania 26 thoughts + other thing on my mind today.

Level 43 should be mine either tomorrow, or the next day, I don't really remember what it is called be anyway I just wanted to say that but this is an update blog too, I must say I'm feeling alot better now, I think it's the thought of Baseball almost is here, but also with the Temperature being 66 today in Akron was a nice gesture too, I had the windows open inmy room, and most of the snow is all gone, I'm going to be watching the ColumbusBlue Jackets At Home Vs. the Atlanta Thrashers.

Now on to the other part of my Topic of this very Blog, My thoughts on WWEWrestlamania 26, I'm going to frist say I'm like 90% sure I'm getting it,I'll even say 95% that I'm getting WWE Wrestlamania 26 but, the point that I'm trying to make is that this is going to be a great PPV with all of these great matches on the card, I wouldn't be one bit surprised if WWE pulls a few tricks, like for one of the matches, The Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels "The Streak Vs. The Career" I really see something happening now since it is now, a No DQ and NO Count-out match, I don't know what but I will say I can't wait, also WWE will have most likely have CM Punk Vs. Rey Mysterio "Hair Vs. Mask", and I want to see CM Punk win a match where nothing is on the line, but in a sense I do want to see it like that.

But other then that I will say this I will be having a special WWE Wrestlemania 26 Blog, where I will make my predictions, so hopefully everyone , will read that Blog and this one to.

Comment if you want, and Have a Nice Blogging day. :D

Isn't Really Odd When.................

WWE does better then TNA and WWE didn't even try that hard, I mean Criss Angelwas ok, but TNA really tried but they didn't do that well, TNA still and will always suck, I liked seeing RVD, but WWEjust is too good right now and this is coming from someone who really is still thinking about if he'sstill going to watch Wrestling for a little while longer.

But I just want to see what WWE is going to do with Stone Cold next week I hope WWE has Austin make the Fans stop saying "WHAT" all the time, it's really, really getting old.

I also must say Wrestlemania 26 is going to be great this year, I like alot of the card and I will be making my predictions, for that PPV, I think WWE will be going all out, and I still think there is going to be a few more matches added to this years card, like Punk Vs. Mysterio, and Orton Vs. DiBiase.

I hope everyone has a nice Blogging Day. :)

Raw Vs. iMPACT??????? + I may take a break from wreslting after 'mania 26.

Yes this time it is true as true can be, I said it a you read it, WWE Vs. TNA is going to start tonight, and TNA iMPACT!, is going to be two hours long and WWE Raw tonight is the Same,then be flipping back forth between channels during breaks, or if there is a lame match on one show or so.

Yes I'm going to now talk about my future plans with WWE and everything, I don't really lknow how but I may take a break from watching wrestling, but then again I may not, it really matters what happens at 'mania 26, but then again I may have a change of heart after words, but still WWE RAw is right now the only show I'm watching, and even that show getting boring, I think either I need something new or stop watching for a while, but I don't really see that happening, but we shall see, when that day comes.

But also I think WWE needs to stop this whole Guest GM thing it has had it's time, and I think WWE is close to having it go on for a year almost, but if they can just find someone that can be a great GM then it will most likely get better.

Other then that I hope more people still waytch Raw over iMPACT! :)

Have a nice Blogging Day. :D

Yahoo MLB Fantasy Baseball, and being sick.

Well just to make it as short as possable, I'm sick, and I still need more people to join my YahooMLB Fantasy league, the League ID# is 157645, and the Password is wwe8505, just like that, no spaces or caps.

But other then that I'm ok other then sick.

Wrestling, and Baseball???????

I must say it's been a very good week so far,I'm watching Cleveland Cavaliers Vs. Orlando Magic, and WWE Superstars then TNA iMPACT!, I know it's bad stuff especially TNA Wrestling, but I mst say at least they are trying to get WWE's attention but it doesn't look like it's working too well, I like WWE more but I'm just very upset that TNA has Ric Flair, just like back when WCW was around, but I really do think TNA is a new verison of WCW, but other then that I would also like to say that I'm doing fine, I just wish all of this Snow wasn't here right now which brings me to my other topic that makes me very happy.

That thing that makes me happy is, Yahoo Fantasy Baseballis back, I can't wait till the first pitch, but alsoI'm going to have another Yahoo Fantasy Baseball League, with everyone from last year, but It's going to be a little bit more like a Public League that is usallyplayed by everyone, but I hope I can get a good team this year I have all my teams that I want they are all competitive and my team names are, Return of Edgeheads, Star's Team, and Itchy Pits, the Itchyt Pits, is a little bit of an inside joke.

Plus I want to remind everyone to watch the WinterOlympics 2010, I can't wait till they start. :)

But other then that I hope more people comment, but whatever.

Hopefully everyone has a niuce Blogging Day. :P

Sticking around?????

Well, I guess I was just a little bit sad and depressed yesterday, and I would like to thank the people that gave me some feed back on what they think,and I must thank you all and you know who you are that got me through yesterday, but I just like I said it was just some depression.

I do have that problem from time to time, I hope everyone can all feel this way that I'm feeling today compared to yesterday, but I fought trough it all, and hopefully I can in-prove on how I'm feeling through out the Weekend I like to say that I can't wait until Superbowl 44Sunday and everything I just hope the better team wins, I'm pushing for the New OrleansSaints, I really really think they can win whether Dwight Freeney was there playing or not, they will win. :)

I must also say that I'm going to try and play my PS3 more, for the simple reason that I'm not going to think of playing any more FPS, I know they are popular, But I don't really care, I can't play them really well, I'm going to stick to game I know, I know no one made me buy them but I wanted to try something new, I will keep Fallout 3, but Killzone 2, and COD; MW 2 are getting traded in, so I hope everyone wasn't expecting me to play those but all in all it's kind of getting some weight off my back.

And I hope everyone has a nice Blogging day. ;)

Is it or isn't it???????

Welp I feel like my job is done here but I don'twant to leave, I feel like some people just don't like me, but some do I just don't understand it, I can't get myself motivated to play my PS3, or anything, I just have this loop like thing, that gets really boring.

Maybe it's just cause I'm bored and I can't or don't want to do or read something, I don't know if I should just try some new stuff, but anyway you put it, I just feel sad and lonely. :(

But also I hope I can be helpful for somebody, I've been really trying my hardest to lose some of my gut and if you don't know how hard that is, it's really really hard, I would like to have a few peoples opinion, but if no one say anythng then I know that I'm not needed, I don't know maybe it's just me and the way my life is going, then it could also be that I've been awake longer then I've been asleep.

So through it all I just hope no-one else feel like this.

But I still will say I hope everyone enjoys there day and week, and hopefully you all have a nice bloggng Day.