Well WWE is going to be soon to be a sad thing, from what I have been hearing, if you think it is bad now wait a little bit longer, the only thing that can save them from me leaving them, is WWE's Royal Rumble, and then WWE Wrestlemania 26, and if it doesn't start entertaining me like they suppose they say they can meaning WWE's letters standing for World WrestlingEnterainment rather then World Wrestling Entertainment Tonight, WWET, but I must say that they better stop all of this Raw GM stuff, Ilike it if the GM is WWE Legends But I think that is why WWE Raw has been sucking, Maybe Edge coming back will get me Interested inWWE more.
But other then that I think I'm going to miss WWE Smackdown tomorrow night, when The Brothers of Destruction Vs. Jeri-Show.
The reason is I'm going to Ushering for my Church tomorrow night.
But I'm enjoying playing my PS3 Slim, I do like it and iuf any one wants to be my Friend, my PSN ID is, Theplayer8505, but I think everyone knows where to find that.
Butother then that I think I'm going to go, BUT before I do go, I have one more thing to say, LET GOBLUE JACKETS.
Have a Blogging day. :P:)
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