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wwe4ever_in05 Blog

Still need more Yahoo Fantasy Baseball players.

Come on everyone I just need like 7 more people to start this League up, I would really like it if more people would join just to join, I know it is still very earlier but it is a auto-pick draft.

So I hope more people join soon, and yes this is all I'm blogging about today, thank you.

Edit: Here is all the info.

League ID#: 45502
League Name: MLB Baseball 5
Password: wwe8505
Custom League URL:
Season Type: Full
Draft Type: Autopick Draft
Max Teams: 12
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head
Player Universe: All baseball
New Players Become Available: As soon as Yahoo! adds them
Max Moves: No maximum
Max Trades: No maximum
Trade Reject Time: 3
Trade End Date: August 16, 2009
Waiver Time: 1 day
Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo! Sports
Trade Review: League Votes
Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules
Max Acquisitions per Week: No maximum
Min Innings Pitched: 9
Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow
Start Scoring on: Week 1
Playoffs: Week 23, 24 and 25 (6 teams)
Roster Positions: C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, OF, OF, OF, Util, Util, SP, SP, RP, RP, P, P, P, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, DL
Stat Categories: R, HR, RBI, SB, K, AVG, W, L, SV, ERA, WHIP

Yahoo MLB Baseball 2009.

If anyone wants to join my Yahoo MLB Baseball League, for this 2009 season.

Here is all you need to know: League ID#:45502, and then the Password is wwe8505, There can be 12 teams First one to sign up gets in.

Oh and it is auto pick draft, so once there are 12 teams I will change it over to "Ready" so once you have joined please Pre-Rank your players.

And one last thing I have asked for my Dad and Brother to join so there could soon be 9 or 10 spots because my dad has joined already, so that is 2 spots already and then there is me and I don't know about my Brother.

So for right now there are 10 spots leaft..


Stuff to talk about.

OK, so what is there to talk about today, other then the Super Bowl was an ok one other then for the full fact that, the Steelers won, just to note also, the Commercials sucked this year, and the Cardinals should of won but I think that the Kurt Waner did not fumble the ball, they (The Refs) should of call it a Incomplete pass, but anyway Congrats to the Steelers anyway, even thought that just makes me sick to say.

I other stuff the Columbus Blue Jackets get to show me what they have got, in back to back games at Pittsburgh, and then home Vs. San Jose, and then we will then see if they can win a game or two, because the can't even beat the St. Louis Blues At Home.

And then there is WWE which this week on Raw I there was a match between Cena and Chris Jericho, and after a minute or two the Walls of Jericho Cena Conters it on to a STF, and Jericho taps in the frist few Seconds of being in it it was a lame ending, but on the good side there was a match made for Next Weeks Raw, and that will be The UIndertaker, Vs. Randy orton after what Randy Orton did to Stephanie and Shane this week, Stephanie ask Kane to call up 'taker to face Orton and 'taker accepted and so now Kane is in the Elimination Chamber match at No Way Out.

What would be nice is to see Kane win the Championship from Cena but with Cena as one of the faces of WWE I don't see it happening, only Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho have the Best shot at grabbing the gold over Cena, and then Smackdown still dosen't have all of there spots filled, so I see Edge either winning the Elimination Chamber or The Undertaker of Big Show taking it fro Edge, but another match for for No Way Out is Shane McMahon Vs. Randy Orton in a No Holds Barred Match.

Well I can't really think of much else other then to say that I hope that the Cleveland Cavaliers Win Vs. the LA Lakers at The Q this weekend, to make it 24-0 at Home.

Other then that I guess I will see everyone around some time.

Later. :):):):)

Super "Duper" Bowl Update..

Super Bowl 43 is this Sunday and hopefully Arizona Wins but everyone already knew I was going to say, but the line to this game went down and then went up again, back to 7.

Then there is also the question about, "Big" Ben Roethlisberger's Ribs, he had to have a second set of X-Rays done and we don't know yet if he will be good enough to go or not, but In My Opinion I don't care and he will still be going.

I think that if the Arizona Cardinals win then I see either Kurt Warner, or Larry Fitzgerald will the Super Bowl MVP.

Blog with-out a name.

Well it has been a while since I last blogged, so what shall it be about today, well I think it will most likely be about stuff, that has happen in the last few days.

And it will all start off with the 2009 WWE Royal Rumble, it was a nice PPV, I liked it alot, lets start off with the first match and go from there.

ECW Championship Match
Matt Hardy Vs. Jack Swagger(C)
Winner of the Match Via the Gutwrench Powerbomb, and Still ECW Champion Jack Swagger,
I think this match was really good, Swagger looked like he knew what he was doing, and beat Matt in a matter of minutes.

WWE Women's Championship Match
Melina Vs. Beth Phoenix (C)
Winner of the Match Via the Rollup pinfall, and NEW WWE Women's Champion Melina.
Melina fought really hard and beat Beth without Santino Coming to help her.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
JBL /w HBK VS. John Cena (C)
Winner of the Match, Via the FU, and Still WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena.
HBK did get involed after the Referee got knocked out, and HBK gave Sweet Chin Music, to JBL then John Cena and then HBK put JBL on top of Cena for the Pin and then another Referee, came down, but Cena kicked out, then then finish.

WWE Championship Match.
Edge Vs. Jeff Hardy (C)
Winner of the Match, Via Matt Hardy hitting Jeff with a Chair, and then Edge pinning Jeff, and NEW WWE Champion Edge,
Matt Hardy Vs. Jeff Hardy will most likely happen at Wrestlemania 25.

Royal Rumble
1st two Rey Mysterio, and John Morrison,
Notiable Entrants, RVD At #25, Randy Orton AT #8, and Triple H at #7.
Last two in Triple H and Randy Orton.
Winner of the Match Randy Orton.
Other Notes, Santino beat the Warlords old Record of :02 Seconds, with a time of :01 Second.

And now on to other stuff, Tommarrow will be the start of the Second Half of the NHL Season, and next Tuseday it will be the St.Louis Blues At the Cloumbus Blue Jackets on Versus, at 7:00 Pm.

Blog-ditty bloggy-blog-blog-too.:P

I think something that I'm going to start to do more is to try my most hardest to play my nin tendo Wii More the main reason is cause I think that I have lost my touch with reality, meaning, I have lost intrest, unless I have a friend or My Brother playing a game with me I feel, lost, but that is one reason another reason is, my Seizures, that only happen at night, and the last time I mhad play my Wii alone for a very long time is when I was playing Super Paper Mario, which I have been wanting to try and pl,ay it thorugh again, just to see if I still have it in me, I also had the Reason that an old Desk that I bought and then it broke when Me, My Mom and Brother were getting it into the house,, and I was more worried about the Desk falling apart again so that is here and gone, but I must say that, Other then for those few reason I will be playing the Nintendo Wii more.

But the reason right now other then for my Seizures is that when everthe Phone rings and I'm playing an online game, it disconnects me, from playing, but other then that and the other thing is I would like to play more when people like my Dad or Mom are home, but I always do something stupid and Pay attention to them more then playing my Wii, and when I am alone at home, I have to worry about people calling me, to check andf see if I'm ok or not, because of once again my Seizures.

I don't know what todo but I do know this much that I'm not going to play anything tonight with the Cloumbus Blue Jackets playing against the Edmonton Oilers. at 9:00 ET.

So unbtill next time I hope to get some advice, till then SEE YA!!!!!!!

Superbowl 43

On February 1, 2009, there will be history made I know that I haven't picked them until now but they are playing the enemy, and the enemy is the Pittsburgh Steelers, BUT like most of you know Last yearI had picked the New England Patriots to beat the NewYork Giants, but this year I have faith in my pick, I have areally greeat feeling, about who ever I pick I will get it right so I WILL be picking the Arizona Cardinals, as the Superbowl Champions, and I don't think that the Pittsburgh Steelers are Americas team, like some dumb Steeler fan said.

I will have more blogs about the Superbowl and why I think the Cardinals are going to win, one thing is for certain, weather or not, Win or Lose, I hope this Supoerbowl will not go to the favorite which is the Steelers, or how us Browns fans like to call them the Pukesburgh Stinklers.

And Yes everyone that is reading this it is true that it will be the Pittsburgh Steelers, Vs. The Arizona Cardinals, in Superbowl 43, At Tampa Bay, Florida.

Predicted Score from, Pittsburgh Steelers 27 Arizona Cardinals 20, this should change, as it gets closer and closer to the Game.

Another sirte says, 26-19 Pittsbrugh.

One thing to blog about and the AFC/NFC Championships Round.

First of all I would like to say that yesterday I had another Seizure it was at 7:00 AM and it was a big one, I bit my tongue and was woken up by my mom say Daniel are you all right, I was really tired and could barely walk, it felt kind of like I was running for miles, and I also had this problem with my stomach it felt really tight like I was doing alot of sit-ups.

But I'm fine now, And that this was the last Seizure I will every have.

But now onto the AFC/NFC Championships Games.

Sunday, January 18th, 2009 3 p.m. ET, FOX
NFC Championship
Philadelphia Eagles At Arizona Cardinals, Predicted Winner: Philadelphia Eagles, Winner: Arizona Cardinals

Sunday, January 18th, 2009 6:30 p.m. ET, CBS
AFC Championship
Balimore Ravens At Pittsburgh Steelers, Predicted Winner: Baltimore Ravens. Winner: Pittsburgh Steelers

NFL Divisional Round.

Let's get right on to the games,

Saturday, January 10th, 2009 4:30 PM ET CBS.
Baltimore Ravens @ Tennessee Titans, Predicted Winner: Baltimore Ravens Winner: Baltimore Ravens

Saturday, January 10th, 2009 8:15 PM ET FOX.
Arizona Cardinals @ Carolina Panthers, Predicted Winner: Carolina Panthers Winner: Arizona Cardinals :(

Sunday, January 11th, 2009 1:00 PM ET FOX.
Philadelphia Eagles @ New York Giants, Predicted Winner: Philadelphia Eagles Winner: Philadelphia Eagles

Sunday, January 11th, 2009 4:45 PM ET CBS.
San Diego Chargers @ Pittsburgh Steelers, Predicted Winner: San Diego Chargers Winner: Pittsburgh Steelers

NFL Playoffs start this week.

Here are how the Seeds have been planted. :P

1. Tennessee Titans
2. Pittsburgh Steelers
3. Miami Dolphins
4. San Diego Chargers
5. Indianapolis Colts
6. Baltimore Ravens

1. New York Giants
2. Carolina Panthers
3. Minnesota Vikings
4. Arizona Cardinals
5. Atlanta Falcons
6. Philadelphia Eagles

AFC Wild Card:

1. Titans and 2. Steelers get a Bye.

6. Balimore At 3. Miami. Predicted Winner: Baltimore. Winner: Baltimore

5. Indianapolis At 4. San Diego. Predicted Winner: San Diego. Winner: San Diego

NFC Wild Card:

1. Giants and 2. Panthers get a Bye.

6. Philadelphia At 3. Minnesota. Predicted Winner: Philadelphia. Winner: Philadelphia

5. Atlanta At 4. Ariazona. Predicted Winner: Atlanta. Winner: Arizona