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wwe4ever_in05 Blog

17 Days till Christmas.

Well hello everyone, well I do have some sad news, but it's nothing that everyone has to get teary eyed about, my brothers dog Fred has got a sick little tummy, all I want everyone to do is to Hope and Pray for Fred to get better soon.

But other then that everything has been ok, I just worry about My Dachshund Star and Fred My Bothers Basset Hound, but Fred is a Strong Dog and can fight though this.

But I'm right now am watching WWE Raw, and the WWE Slammy Awards, and CM Punk just beat John Morrison, and advanced on for the IC Championship.

But other then that, I'm doing fine and I hope everyone can have a nice and safe day, and I will talk to everyone later

18 Days till Christmas.

Jackets sadly lost last night 3 -0 but now they are playing tonight against, the Anaheim Ducks in Anaheim, so yes it is another West coast game, then the Jackets come home, for two game then it is back on the road.

So is anyone else going to be watching the Monday Night Football, it going to be the Tampa Bay Buccaneers At the Carolina Panthers, and I think everyone knows who I want to win and thinks is going to win.

But there is also the Slammy Awards tomorrow on WWE Raw and it is a Three Hour Show, that starts at 8:00 EST, so I think I'm going to have to DVR the Wrestling show and watch the MNF Game.

I really didn't have that much to talk about tonight, but I will think more about, something tomorrow, but the topic title is just to tell eveyone how many days till Christmas.

So I hope everyone is doing well and has a Nice a safe day. :):):):):)

Edit: Jackets lost again, 5-3.

19 Days till Christmas.

Well, I just made this one, but I really don't have a good Idea, so how about we talk about, anything, nothing certain.

I'm going to frist say this that I got two more new fish, I can't Remember what thier breed kind is but one is a almost bright red-orange color, with a black tail, and then the other on is like a bright yellow color, but kindof white mixed in there too, there names are Light Bulb, and Blusher.

But other then that I'm just watching ther Columbus Blue Jackets Vs. the L.A. Kings, in L.A., so this game should be a good one, and I can't watched the whole game just because, I have to get up for Church in the mourning, and it just started at 10:30 PM EST.

I hope everyone has a Nice and Safe day, and I will talk everyone e later. :):):):):):):P

22, 21, 20 days till Christmas (Officially).

Ok so yes I know this blog may-be confusing but if you rhink about it I miss counted, so there are Officially 20 days till Christmas, because today is the 5th, and that means that, it would be 20 days till Christmas.

I also know that I missed one day yesterday, so we will skip that day and go on to the next day.

So what will we talk about today, how about your favorite Christmas Memory.

Mine would be the Christmas when I got our Shetland Sheepdog Coco, he was such a cute little puppy, back then but the sad part about it is he had to be put down, 4 years ago. :cry: :cry:

So what was everyone else's favorite Christmas Memory.

Other then that though that really it for today.

Have a safe a happy day. :):):):):)

23 Days till Christmas

So what is it going to be today, well I was thinking about that today, so I think this Blog, is going to be about What has been the most Expensive Christmas gift that you have either asked for or Gotten that you knew the price for?

Mine is Last Year Guitar Hero 3, it was like $99.99, or so, and I got it from my parents.

But the only really reason that I picked, was cause that is as far I can remember, the only other thing that I can remember is my Weight Lifting set or my Exercise Bike, and those were expensive too.

I can't remember the actully price but it was up there.

So how about everyone else?

Oh and have a nice a Safe day. :):):):)

24 days till Christmas

Well I know it is at the end of the Day, but I did make in enough time, to type somewhat. :)

So since it is now 24 days, and almost 23 days till Christmas, what shall we talk about today.

I know what did everyone get last year, that they wanted.

Like last year, I wanted, a HDTV, but I didn't get it, but I did Guitar Hero 3 for the Nintendo Wii.

I know that this would be a really hard one, but if you can't remember that's ok, but just don't forget to check back each day on this page, to see what I have thought up, to for everyone to talk about.

And also on a side note, I wouldn't mind having someone giving a idea, for this blog.

Have a safe a hsppy Day. :):):):):)

25 day till Christmas.

So now that it is officially December I think we should really get going and talk about what everyone wants or thinks they want for Christmas.

Nobody really needs to answer, but if you want to then go ahead, I was thinking about this game last night, and I think I know what I'm going to do.

This first Blog, is going to have everyone talk about what, and why they want that Item(s) for Christmas.

I myself would like Blu Ray DVD Player, or something like that, that ofr a Best Buy Card.

And the reason why is so I can watch more stuff on DVD with a clearer Picture, and as for the Best Buy cards, I would mind having one or two of those so maybe I can buy some more Wii games.

So that is all for now, but don't forget, to get put down what you want, and why.

And for the 24th day till Christmas, there will be other stuff to talk about, so don't forget to get online and look for a new blog everyday.

Have a Nice and Safe day and I will see everyone tomorrow. :):):)

Blogging on November 29th, 2008.

Hello everyone I just was thinking about everything that has been going on upto this date, and I have decide just to to go Blogging on November 29th, 2008, for really no reason at all.

So I hope everyone is doing well, and I just found out today, or actually a few minutes ago that my Brothers dog Fred, has been chewing on the Christmas tree decorations, and I had to punish him and tell him NO, bad FRED, but I don't think it got though his think Skull, so I'm going to let someone else catch him doing it, and let them, deal withy it.

I'm thinking about buying a new Fish, I don't really know what kind I want but I think something with a little bit of color like a, Yellow or something like that, 'cause all that is in there is, Licorice and Zip and Licorice is like a Black fish and Zip is like a Black and Silver kind of fish, but other then that and the Alge eater, that is really it.

If anyone wants to comment on my Images that I have Posted, then go ahead and do so, I would also like to play againt some people online on the Wii, soif anone is up for a game of Mario Kart Wii, or SSBB, or Guitar Hero 3, or even SD Vs. Raw 2009, just send me an E-Mial at and then maybe we can play. :)

Also if there is anything anyone wants me to blog about then just Comment, and tell me.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving, and More.

Well I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day, and also hope not to many of you have to go out to those Stores today, because everyone knows it's Black Friday, and that means it's turning into Christmas Time, so hopefully everyone is smart and either has already done thier shopping, or at least, waiting a few a days until the lines and other people buy what they want.

So other then Turkey Day, and black Friday how is everyone doing?

I myself am doing just fine I think I was a little bit sick yesterday, but today, I'm feeling much better, and that only other reason I haven't been on Gamespot so much is cause I have been so busy with my Sleep test, and then Thanksgiving, and now my mom is sick so I've been taking good care of her, and now it's Black Friday, and all I have done today is Walk my Dachshund Star, and that really it.

I can say this though that I have lost a Fish Spitfire it was a pretty Red and Orange fish, and it died on Wedsday night.

But other then that I haven't been to busy, I wish everyone the best this Holiday Season.

Have a Nice Blogging Day :):):):););):D:D:):):)

Farewell................................ NOPE!!!!!!

I have decided to stay around, I couldn't find another place like Gamespot, I guess I'm just too, used to the way things are going on here.

So hopefully Gamespot will get more better in the near future.

Other then that I'm back, to stay for now.

I have to thank everyone that Commented on my last post that gave thier own thoughts to why I should of stayed around, And I thank everyone.

I will try and post more and more I still am trying to get over my seizures, but I think I'm getting alot, better, and now I'm going to have a Sleep Study done, it is going to be half the night me Sleeping, and then the seconded half of the night with me on a C-pap Machine, but that isn't going to be until next Tuseday at a Hospital, so hope for the best that I won't need the C-pap Machine,

But other then that I must say that WWE Raw is coming on in one hour, and so You know what is next.

Have a Nice Blogging Day!!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):)