VR sounds interesting, and I'd love to try it out to see how well the tech immerses you into the games. But even if it works great, I just can't justify spending the cost of a new console for an accessory. I personally would rather put that money towards the new consoles coming out, or a 4k TV. Perhaps when the tech gets cheaper to make...
Um... I don't know about this guy but I tend to finish what I start. I definitely finished AC3, because not doing so would have been a waste of my money. That being said, I wont say that I liked the ending that much, however this guy needs to speak for himself about who completes a game. There are plenty of people who play through their games till the end.
@pboontap @Ayato_Kamina_1 They're not professional athletes. I could make the same argument about student teachers, except that they pay to have a full time job. These students make a choice by joining the team, knowing that they don't get "paid". Except that a scholarship is like them getting paid. You play for the school, and they agree to give you money to pay for your education if they give you a scholarship.
Honestly, I just don't think they should be surprised at the GTA view of women. Did they ever portray a women in a GTA game that was anything other than one of these characters? I don't think so. It's GTA. It's not meant to be politically correct. It's a fantasy world. What's next? Saint's Row 4 depicts gangs in a good light and therefore should be banned for life?
@surrealme @wweraw123 I don't know, I just don't see it. But that just could be from my own preferences. To each it's own. I wouldn't buy it for your reasons, but hey, not everyone will buy it for my reasons either.
@PartyGavinParty @wweraw123 @surrealme Well considering that I don't have a job that requires me to be connected 24/7, no, I don't have a phone that already does what my ipod, ipad, laptop and other devices can do. No point in paying extra for what you already have. What's not to get? If you wanna play games it's great because you have the option of using the extra features. If you don't want to play games there are other things out there that allow you to do those other things such as a PC and a TV with a cable subscription.
@Grenadeh @wweraw123 @surrealme Probably, once the price goes down. But they had plenty of time to market to that demographic before that happens. They needed to give the hardcore gamer something to be happy about and they failed to deliver, which is why they are trying so hard to please them now.
@Grenadeh @wweraw123 @surrealme which was MS's downfall in their reveal because the casuals do not watch those events, and they are not the early adopters of consoles.
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