@Diablo-B @wweraw123 Yeah, but unlike Sony, Microsoft isn't likely to reveal until the thing is complete. Sony didn't even have a design set, just some specs , a new controller and some games. Don't get me wrong, I like what sony has to offer this time around, and if the controller has a better feel on the sticks this time around, I'm likely to buy one. That dual shock 3 just turned me off as a gamer.
@lord_mjn @Snakepond1 doubt it will work in that way. Probably an always online in the sense that it will download updates in the background when you're not using it, and TV features.
So, microsoft isn't allowed to charge a little bit of money to upkeep their servers for their online service because you cant play the whole game for free, but games companies are allowed to charge us $25 for a season pass in addition to our $60 dollar purchase price in order to play a full game? Hmmm....
actually, he's right. By your logic, he is entitled to a free blu ray copy of the movies. You bought your games in one format (say 360), so you can CHOOSE to also buy it in another (say PC). Sorry, but allowing you to play it on all devices is only going to up the price, which is going to make everyone unhappy, especially the ones who don't want to play a game on more than one platform. If you could play a game on multiple platforms for one price, then there'd be no reason for you to own more than one device. There'd be no XBOX, no PS3, and no PC gaming. everything would be on a handheld that could also hook up to a TV, because that'd be the only thing that makes sense.
Yeah i'm really starting to get tired of the pro mobile phone gamming editors on this site too. At least when I watched their review of the Vita most of them did not think handheld gaming is dead.... i think they need to be writing the articles, because they seem to get that real gamers are going to want their dedicated hardware, at least for now.
Saying the smart phones sell more therefore must have a bigger gaming audience is so invalid. There are a lot of people that have these phones because they work better with the business they are in. They can check their email and surf the web. I'm sorry, but i never see a phone game being on par with handheld or console games ever. Will handheld gaming last forever? probably not. But I do not see gaming on phones being as good as gaming on dedicated handheld hardware.
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