@surrealme @wweraw123 Except that we were talking about the fact that you would spend $500 dollars on a gaming machine to.... wait for it... not play games, and do everything that your PC and TV already do all because you can use Kinect to control them. Just a waste of money IMO.
@surrealme @wweraw123 you really think most people who buy an xbox one are going to do it so they can wave their hand in front of it and tell it to turn on their tv? use it as a $500 remote control? lol.
@surrealme Those features may be great for you, but the majority of people who are going to buy these things are doing it for the games, not the gimmicky features. I'm not so lazy that I can't press a button to turn something on, or for that matter navigate a menu with.
Do people enjoy Indie titles? Yes, of course. But they are not going to be the main reason most people buy their consoles. There are still the killzones and Halos of the world that are going to be the reason people buy their consoles. Heck, even the controller design is a determining factor. I for one did not buy a PS3 because I favored the 360 controller, which is why I want a controller in hand before making my decision on the PS4. It really all comes down to a matter of preference for gamers: What they want to play, and how they want to play it.
@steelmouth Sorry, but I think we all know that most of those 15 "exclusives" are going to be Kinect titles. MS is too much in love with their motion controls.
@buffaloblitz85 @stanknuggetz12 Too true. While they may make the argument that any publicity is good publicity, I would say they are making the wrong move here. With that being said, MS still has a ways off before the console comes out, and this may be a strategy (albeit a bad one) to get people talking about their system and not the ps4.
@TheGovenor @IndremaLover But if they squashed this rumor, then their system gets no publicity over the last few months. Any publicity is good publicity, it gets people talking about your product.
@obsequies @Megamandrew yeah but you gotta think of it this way, you would end up paying less in the long run if this rumor is true. You get the console plus 2 years of live for $540 over that span. For the $500 model you get no live, so buying the live would end up costing you more over that 2 year span.
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