@dev-raid1: I don't know anything about it but it sounds like you're saying PC gamer's complained that the Ps4 was mostly indie games???
Again Idk... But as a PC gamer, I love indie games. I mean, Steam has a whole section about it. Now grant it, they're not all good, but a lot of creativity comes from individuals with no ties to larger organizations like EA - Activision etc...
@SingletreeAve: I like the posting for newly added BC games. I don't always have time to look and see, so it's nice to have these updates. Maybe there's a game added that I want to play.
@Richardthe3rd: Yea the initial release of d3 had a lot of issues, and was very poor. After RoS, and now every 3 months, it gets updated. Adding new content, including quests, items, and cosmetics. It has gotten quite a bit better, and in my opinion much better than PoE.
@Nightmare350 It's not. Steamboxes are designed independently of Steam, or Valve, any company can design a steambox and sell it. Basically they're just PCs with SteamOS loaded, using the Steam Controller. Other companies that have designed the Steam Machines... Falcon Northwest, iBuyPower, and Cyberpower (Alienware of course) and a number of others.
Honestly I think it might be overkill right now. Isn't everything new like this though? Someone comes along like this then we catch up, it's the way technology works, and hopefully in a year or 2 the 4k will actually matter. As of right now though, I can't see a purpose, or the hardware in an affordable state. In 2 years time I think, and hope, it will be the norm.
@Sun-Tzu-GE eh that's a large assumption, I think that most people who play games on steam probably have pretty high end pcs, which play games at a higher FPS and resolution than consoles do.
@aovannor @x-TwilighT-x I honestly just don't see the point in buying it now for $60 only to buy the expansion for the PC then when the re-release for the ps4 comes out, buy the game again...
Anyway, I do agree that the console version is a lot of fun (Played the demo) I just can't see myself purchasing it due to the fact that it will be no different from the pc version in a few months.
x-TwilighT-x's comments