@vI_DigiTaL_Iv Well in reality Minecraft is more complicated on the PC. I understand where you're going with this though. Personally I don't configure controllers, I prefer the mouse and Keyboard. Also the resolution on my Monitor is superb, and I have no desire to stream it to my TV, given that TV's have a harder time rendering what monitors do.
But this is my opinion, and yours is your own. No need to rant about it. Maybe you should try playing a game on the pc? (Nerd superior pc gamer moad ahead!!!)} IF THAT POS CAN HANDLE IT AHHHHAHAAHAHAHA!!!!11!!1OnE!
@Cashmoney007 In Korea, I would imagine if you had won an MLG, or Dreamhack, ESL, or another large event... You could have just about any woman you wanted. Being a pro player is becoming Celebrity status.
I like MLG. I think it's cool that people can gather and BS about the games they play, and watch people who are awesome at it, do awesome things on these games. However... Every MLG event is always expected to be the biggest ever, and thus, this article is moot.
x-TwilighT-x's comments