@nate1222 @x-TwilighT-x Apparently my last comment was TL;DR for GS.
What I actually said was.... There is a very limited First person Shooter genre to choose from. At least with full on multiplayer, and in AAA titles that you can actually find other players on.
Explain to me how, that is not true? The games you listed either, have no multiplayer, limited multiplayer, or are so old you can't find players on them.
I don't even understand your next questions... Or at least see the relevance of them. How long have I been gaming? 20~ Years, not that it makes my statement more or less true.
Have I have gamed on a PC? Nope.... Hell I even referenced free to play shooters on the PC, what would give you the impression that I haven't played a game on the pc...? Ignorance?
Tell ya what, Send me a PM and ill whip your ass up and down UT, or Quake... I mean, I haven't ever gamed on a PC... Right?
@realshooter305 Well considering the game isn't yet released, 17 is a pretty good spot to be in. In fact, I would be willing to bet that when CoD: Ghosts is released, and Titanfall is released their 6 month sales will show that Titanfall outsells, Ghosts. On a single console.
Secondly reading your grammatically incorrect, and less than coherent, misspelled, sentences gives me a headache. Please if you're going to sarcastically call someone a genius, try not to look so ignorant.
@nate1222 I think a common misconception, which you're making here, is that you assume people buy Call of duty BECAUSE it's named Call of duty. Which I think is absolutely not true. The true story is that there is a very limited First person Shooter genre to choose from. At least with full on multiplayer, and in AAA titles that you can actually find other players on. What do we have, CoD - Battlefield, then Free to play games on the PC which are all trash anyway, So If I want to play a shooter game I have what as a option, CoD - Battlefield.... Hmmmmmmmm Well I will probably buy one even though There was one last year. I must be a fascist.
@KeenoControl @karmaortiz @spector000 Respawn was created by former Infinity Ward employees. If we're talking about a new King of the Hill, then it's really not, due to the fact that it's just a new flag made by old kings.
@DeviantCode @starjay009 Titanfall is being dev'd by Respawn entertainment. Which is formed from some former employees of Infinity ward. (The CoD: MW Franchise) Who have always focused on Multiplayer, why you would think this game would be different is beyond me.
The game is being published by EA, who publishes singleplayer games as much as multiplayer, so I don't see why you're bitching and moaning. I guess you don't have anything better to do because you've already played all of your single player games.
@Tyreeceholmes I don't really think the point is that each idea is unique, but unique together. There are no shooter games with each and every single one of these points introduced to them. There are a couple though.
Movement - Most original, Unreal championship 2: The Liandri Conflict. (First and 3rd person views, wall jumping, special character abilities, great game that showed true innovation in a shooter) The movement in titanfall though looks more similar to Brink, But brink didn't have "Titans"
Titans?! - Battlefield 2142, This is a very close to the idea of Titanfall, in fact it was my favorite Battlefield. It had mechs you could hop in, huge multiplayer battles, rewards, different game modes, Tanks, ATVs, Mechs, Choppers... Etc. Anyway Titanfall is obviously not really original at the core, but the fact is no other one game included each element that made other games good and is combining them, something that seems simple but isn't really ever done... That's pretty original in its self.
Maybe the guy really thought that everything about Titanfall was original, Hell You're probably right in insulting him for thinking it's all original, I bet this guy doesn't even realize that games have guns?! Or maybe assuming that he thinks the entire game is original is just naive...
@JOLIVERW @Lunarwolfe The first game I remember leaning in was Rainbows 6. Late 90's I guess it was. If we're being honest though Leaning is a fresh idea now, given that almost no first person shooter game has that anymore.
x-TwilighT-x's comments