@blueness I've never believed a games hype, there will always be people who love it, and people who hate it. I am excited for Diablo3, In fact, more so than any other to release since Starcraft2. This is possibly due to a number of reasons, but nostalgia does play a part, a lot of hype I believe comes from that.
Publishers are over charging for a mediocre, at best, product. The games that are actually good are hard to find on used shelves, and, for a good reason. If publishers would increase the quality of the game, or lower the price, I would buy new more often.
Looking at older games, and I don't think it's simply nostalgia, they were real quality, engaging stories, diverse characters, and gave a sense of accomplishment. I think publishers, and developers alike, have lost sight of what many of us are looking for when we purchase a game. Just make the games better, use creativity, and stop doing "What works"
Honestly, I like it, BUT... The obvious factor is pricing... These toys are clearly priced correctly, as they are mass produced it's what you would expect from a "Toy" 10$ not too bad in retrospect but If I bought them all just so I could have the full experience of the game... Well over 300$
I agree with her to a point, include theatre mode? Also off topic but there were a lot of words in here that if said by me, or anyone else would be moderated for. What's the deal? Gamespot writers are immune?
To be honest, I will be the first to admit I get bored of games very quickly. In fact the only game I am currently still playing on a regular basis is Starcraft 2. Which ironically enough, I didn't buy the collectors edition for. I felt it didn't have anything I needed, but now I cant even buy a used game if I want to play online, or I can't buy a used game if I want all of the content or "Bonus" features such as Armor and a sword which becomes useless after say Level 6? UH WHAT?! Why would I spend extra money on that, Most of the time they are only asking for like 12$ but I don't feel like I am getting 10-12$ worth of extra content for the "New" compared to used, or that "Season Pass" part of the game. I can't say I enjoy it, but it is what it is and If I want those features I supposed they'll get my $
Game runs better on Ps3 than 360, but best on PC. Who cares, get it for what u can. As far as Gpu goes with the consoles, Fallout is better on 360, this is better on ps3 w/e. My Pc runs on a 32" monitor anyway so, It's evident that is what I'd get it for.
x-TwilighT-x's comments