I dunno if yall remember but back when I was a kid they came out with this thing where you could play GameBoy games from your Super Nintendo and on your TV. They should do the same thing with the PS3 and PSP, make it so if you wantedto you could hook it up to your PS3 and play your games through it using the PS3 controller ;]
xSithiSx's forum posts
Its strange man, Ill never understand the decisions some devs make.the whole lack of a 2nd analog stick is something the whole world has been wondering since 2005
If theres only the D-Pad then how the heck do you move around and whatnot? I wish they would have put two analog sticks just like the PS3/PS2 controller, woulda made for much smoother gameplay. Although I havent played a PSP yet so I dunno. I've posted this on like 6 different forums but no answer yet.
That still doesnt make sense, theres a lot of people like me who dont want to buy a PS2. Selling the PS2 games online would just generate more money from people like us. I mean, a lot of my buddies on Xbox Live NEVER planned on buying any of the regular XBox games from the online marketplace but once they started browsing the list a lot of them found an old game they wanted to play again. I think it would be the same for a lot of PS3 owners who dont want to bother buying a PS2, "Oooh, Final Fantasy XII" "Oooh, MGS3 Sub... I used to love playing this game, I think I'll buy it". Get what I'm sayin'?Because they still make money of selling PS2s, so why would they sell change it? Video games is a business, money is wat they care about
The PS2 is still selling pretty well on the market right now. Why would they put PS2 games on PSN and lose money from selling their PS2 consoles?
How exactly would they lose money? Wouldnt they gain money from the people like me who dont want to buy a PS2? I just dont see how they would lose.Since they took away BC in the PS3s I think they should definately do what MSoft did with the Xbox Live Marketplace and start selling PS2 games, I havea whole list of games that I want to get(before you tell me to go buy a ps2, please read http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/rpg/finalfantasy12/show_msgs.php?topic_id=m-1-53295003&pid=459841). Im not really sure why they took away BC, seems like it would cause them to lose money not make it. ANYwho, have they said anything about this? I mean, if they can sell a few PS3 games in the PSN store I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem to sell PS2 games as well.. it would probably be a pretty good money maker.
Okay, I am a big fan of RPG games. I just started getting into them the past couple of years, before that the only RPG I really ever played was Zelda for the SNES(which I do consider an RPG) and Diablo 2.. I was pretty young when I played those. I kept searching on the web for "Top PC RPG games" and all I keep finding on the lists are games from the 90s, not that I have a problem with old games but I didnt spend all this money upgrading my computer to play something with a max resolution of 800x600.
I know I am being stubborn but so are the people making these lists, to be honest though I only looked at like 2 of the top 10 lists for best RPGs. I have a hard time believing there are no really good modern RPGs.I have played stuff like Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Gothic 3, Risen, DA: Origins,Fable 1 amd 2, Oblivion, andMorrowind (although I havent finished this yet, perhaps I should).. those are the games I have played in the past couple of years. Im not looking for ONLY high end games though, just not super old games. So if you guys could help me out it would be greatly appreciated ;D
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