@supertom221 And that's fair enough. Yes I agree that some of the questions were stupid. Some reviewers tend to take a stronger side than other who simply "sit on the fence" trying to make everyone happy. Taking a side means actively engaging in an opinion and supporting it. While this doesn't excuse the manner in which the questions we're asked this taking a stance is what McShea is engaged in. I don't agree with all the manners he attacks the game but I support that he's taking a stance in the first place and defending it.
Guys they wouldn't have posted this unless they (the GS staff) felt it was good to have both sides of the coin covered. McShea is simply pointing out his opinions in his article and this dev was cool enough to sit down and talk it out instead of simply shooting their mouths off back and forth at each other. I highly doubt many of you would be able to sit down and do something like this and not flip out in a very immature way.
A very nice article with some really good points. While many new IP's that have come out over the past couple of years can have the same argument imposed upon them, it does speak to the line of thinking mentioned early in the article. Will truly new IP's then elude us forever, or just wait for the next iteration of hardware?
So glad they agree, lame conference, Microsoft is clearly out of ideas. Also loved the ending to the video and not cutting til much later than expected! Hilarious.
xSlider257's comments