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xboxFrEak260 Blog

360 pictures

If any of you have seen the article on Gamespot news about the kid playing on the 360 and taking pictures and posting them on the internet, let me know how you felt after reading it. If you haven't read it yet you'll find it somewhere on the Gamespot news page.

Give me your honost answers to my Halo entry which is below this one and i'll see what you think of it.



I got back into Halo today and it's more fun the 2nd time around.

Since I would like to hear what you think about halo I'm going to supply you with a list of halo related questions that state your opinion about the game. Just leave your answers in the comments box below this entry. You don't have to answer all of them.

- What do you like about Halo?

- What don't you like about Halo?

- Whose your favorite character?

-Which level do you like the best?

-Are you going to get an Xbox 360 just to get Halo 3?

- What's your favorite line in Halo?

Those are all of the questions I can think up of now. Start posting.


Level 7

Whoohoo. I'm finnaly at Level 7.

REmember to leave comments under the July 12 entry to let me know what you think.


The Matrix

Over the past 3 days I have watched the entire Matrix Trilogy over and over again and what I need now is some sleep. I also beat Jedi Academy and I can't wait to play it again.


P.S: Please keep giving me comments on the entry from July 12 in the comments section below it.

Season 5 of 24

Hooray! 24 Season 5 is starting in January! I'm excited. I haven't got Seasons 1,2,or 3 on DVD yet. I'm hoping to own them soon. I hope Season 5 will be better then Season 4.

Me Writing about Stuff

Header bad right?

Well, thanks for Andy166 posting a comment on the games that I am dying to play. I'm looking into getting both Prince of Persia games soon.

Keep on giving me comments on the entry from yesterday. I'm gonna read them every day and see what you guys think.

Just so you know, I've posted a post in the KOTOR forum entitled "Whose your Favorite character? " I've gotten 3 pages worth of favorite characters and I'd appreciate more pages that tell me who you like from KOTOR and KOTOR 2.


P.S: I'm still gonna play Advent Rising. It looks cool.

My List of Games I am Dying to Play.

I am going to list all of the games I want to play in a list format. If you have any reason why I shouldn't play a certain game then after you read this, post a comment underneath the journal entry that I am writing. O.K... Here we go:

Advent Rising

Destroy All Humans

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Splinter Cell

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theroy

Star Wars Battlefront

and finally:

a little game called Medal of Honor: Frontline.

After reading my loooooong(wink,wink) list of games I'm most excited to play, please go underneath this journal entry and post a comment on a thing, or things, that are not so good about any game appearing on this list. I might make a point of a few in my next journal. So... POST THOSE COMMENTS!


Review #1

Alright, my review on Enter the Matrix is up. Just give me 10 minutes and i'll write up the review for Jedi Academy.


Episode 3

Yeah. I forgot to mention this, but I saw Episode 3 two months ago and I can describe it in one long word:


GO OUT AND BUY THE DVD WHEN IT"S OUT. (Or, just go see it NOW!)

I'm gonna write up a review of Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy and Enter the Matrix soooooooooooooo... give me about 15 minutes after I post this to write the reviews and check them out.


P.S: The games i'll review are for Xbox.