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xboxFrEak260 Blog

It's Over

Finnaly. After the chaos 2 days ago those aliens are gone. Now I feel like I don't want to play Destroy All Humans now after what I went through. I'm still not sure.

I'm patiently waiting for On The Spot to begin. I wonder what there gonna do this week...

I recentally made up my own interview with myself. It goes as the following:

Me: How have you been today?

(Insert alien language of choice here)

Me: Oooooooooooookkayy... Anyway, have you played any good games lately?

(Insert same freaky alien voice here)

Me: Do you like to eat McDonald's? Wait.......................... Is that a gun you just pulled out???????????????? OH NO!!! HIT THE DECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Insert alien and lazer and crashing sounds here)

THE END................ FOR NOW!

Whatcha think? Was it good? Get back to me. Yeah, it sucked. Time to get the thinking train rolling down the thinking track yet again.


xbox FrEak260!

P.S: No actual humans were injured in anyway during the making of this skit. Thank you.

An Entry of Epic Stuff (not really)

As the day will pass away I will wonder to myself... Why does the game Destroy All Humans look so NICE? It is one of those unexplained mysteries of the gaming world. But all I know is that it still looks nice.

Haven't really gotten to play that much since the catastrophe yesterday. I can't say what it was or else I would be fryed. I am forced to type this down... or else I'd be fryed also...

" You will go out and buy the worst game ever and enjoy it or else you will be fryed."

Nice emphasis on the fryed part.

" Be quiet or I will fry you."


Good, it's gone... Now I say don't listen or read what I was forced to write down. It's a bunch of nonsence. I'm outta here for today.

Daily Tip: Don't listen to ailen's


Xbox FrEak260!

Old On the Spot episodes.

I'm currently watching the On the Spot episode from October 7 2004 and it is sooooooooooooooooo interesting.

360 360 360 360 360 360 360 IS THE REALESE DATE OUT YET? I want to know soooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enter the Matrix is soooooooooooooooo sweet. Wilst it isn't the best looking game I've played, it's still the best fighting/action game I've played.

Daily Tip: Today, PLAY A LOT OF HALO 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Man I went to and it is SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the episodes to my favorite shows are on there.

Daily Tip: ENTER THE MATRIX IS SWEET MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Xbox FrEak260!

Advent Rising

Yesterday I watched the video review for Advent Rising and it looks great. I don't care if they gave it a 5.7 I'm gonna play it anyways.

When will the Xbox 360 come out? It's getting close to July and we still haven't heard anything about the release date. When will it come out? July? August? NEXT YEAR? I wish Microsoft would post their release date soon, I'm dying over here.

The movie Madagascar looks HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see it.

Enter the Matrix is going good. Could'n't get anytime to play it though, I had to go somewhere. But it is going along smoothly. Plus I was on the Enter the Matrix game page that Gamespot put up, and man, the trailers are SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sweet thing about the game is the FMV (Full Motion Video) It is also sweet.

Daily Tip: Don't play to much Resident Evil 4 or else you won't be able to sleep at night.


Xbox FrEak260!

E3 review

This year's E3 was da bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!! The new Zelda game for the Gamecube looked AWESOME. The Xbox 360 games looked great too.

Short and simply put: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daily Tip: If you are a good driver, play Niobe's character in Enter the Matrix. If you are a good fighter, play Ghost. When you get to Ghost's only HARD driving level, ask the really good driver if you would drive for them. They do, beat level, say thanks, and keep on playing.


Xbox FrEak260!

Enter The Matrix

Playing Enter the Matrix... is hard. I'm playing the Ghost storyline. I'm stuck on the driving mission entitled Retreiving Axel. I'ts hard. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPP! Please?

Daily Tip: Null and void


Xbox FrEak260!

It's the WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally. I thought the weekend would never come.

I've finished printing out MisterSinister's Walkthrough of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy ( or as I like to call it, Jedi Knight 4) and it is amazing. 104 pages of helpful hints and tips to get you through the game. I'm gonna put it to good use.


That is probably the question that is on your minds now. Microsoft's Xbox 360 should be out soon right? I don't know, do you?

After I post this I'm going to go out and rent Lego Star Wars, Halo, Halo 2, Splinter Cell 1, 2, and 3 and play them all countinuesly.

Daily Tip #4: Never go to a opening day overnight, campout stay in front of EB Games when Halo 3 comes out. That's just plain crazy.


Xbox FrEak260!

Gamespot's E3 Coverage.

I think that Gamespot did it right this year. Apart from the mic problems everyhthing turned out just fine.

I can't wait to play Prince of Persia 3, Ghost Recon 3, Star Wars Battlefront 2, etc...

Xbox 360 looks amazing..... WHEN IS IT COMING OUT????????????????

I hope I can be at E3 2006.

Gaming Tip #3: In Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords, when your'e battling the tank droid in the old military base on Telos, use all your force points on Stun Droid. Be warned that you should do this from a safe distance. After you've used up all your Force points run into the room on your left and wait until your Force meter is filled up. Run out and blast the droid with Stun Droid for as long as possible. Keep doing this until the Tank Droid is destroyed.


Xbox FrEak260!

Other Things to Talk About. Plus Games...

Hello! It's me again. Now that a show I love has aired it's season finale I'm gonna send a letter to Fox and tell them " MAKE A SEASON 5. By the way season 4 ended weird. FIX IT"

Okay.... that wasn't really what I had in mind but it kinda works dosn't it?????

Yeah..... it doesn't. I'm gonna have to think on that one. Anyway, back to games.

I have a few things I'd like to know about.

1. In Jedi Academy, why is it that every time you kill a Dark Jedi that it goes slow-mo and 360 turn-around? If the studio could fix that for the next Jedi Knight game that would be great.

2. WHY DON"T THE CHEATS WORK? I have no idea. Help me ( the game is Jedi Academy)

Daily Tip #2: Don't play Halo for hours on end.... IT"S JUST NOT RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Xbox FrEak260!