@dev-raid1 Once there shipped to stores, those store already own them to sell. So essentially, the systems are already "sold" to the retailer. When the retail store sells it they make back the money plus a small markup if its in the value.
@gamingdevil800: I'd take Sunset over a Ryse sequel any day. It was a new IP that despite having decent sales it didn't generate a lot of excitement necessary for it to thrive beyond initial sales. Ryse was plagued with delays and revisions of gameplay. Ryse was supposed to be the big flagship game for kinect, but Crytek couldn't get it to work.
@meatymisto: Except PUBG has always been mp centric and sp has always been an after thought. EA is backtracking on games that were announced as story driven experience to be more mp heavy.
@sakaixx: Single player experience has always gone to Sony and multiplayer has been MS thing since the early days of the 360. The diversity is great and I really like some of the low budget arcade games like Ori and Cuphead. To each their own.
@gargungulunk: I completely agree with games that play like one long sidequest, but it all comes down to perspective. Some casual gamers might take weeks to play through the newest COD campaign, but might find it overwhelming to play a game like The Witcher or Dark Souls.
To me, the best example of a balanced single player/multiplayer experience goes to games like Gears of War or COD/Battlefield series. They bring an 8 to 12 campaign with 100s of hours to play competitive or co-op and still feel like you got a great deal either way you choose to play.
@clay544888: When developers can actually spend the time to develop games with the new console in mind. Most are just patching their old games, but once it hits its stride we'll see more games with X1X in mind.
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