@RSM-HQ: I actually really liked Bloodborne. Owned X1 since Day 1 and bought a PS4 late last year and Bloodborne has been arguably the best exclusive on PS4. Gonna have to go back to it soon for the new content.
@beantownsean: When there are huge issues with their online service sometimes they remove that barrier to allow players to be able to have access to their games.
@i_am_kesmonkey: If you didn't complain about the issues to Ubisoft, how would they know about them and address them? Perhaps doing it in Ubis forum would be more constructive.
@creepshow2: Still can't get used to the DS4 thumbsticks. Constantly having to lift my thumbs to readjust their placement. Maybe they were a tad taller with a textured surface it would better.
@nyadc: Like they said in both reviews, it had a lot of ambition, but the execution is terrible. The game isn't terrible, just hard to compete with Forza series and now Need for Speed.
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