Just realized that they didn't bother with Death Stranding either.I mean if they're going to showcase games that aren't even coming out until 2018, what's the harm in revealing the details of games that are 2 or 3 years away?
@FLOPPAGE_50 said:@xdude85 said: Bleh.No Last of Us Part II.A lot of multi-plats, VR crap, and games not coming out until 2018.This shocked me the most.THAT was their megaton, and they didn't even mention it.I know, I thought they were going to save it for last (no pun intended).Although Detroit: Become Human does interest me, but again no release date.Really disappointing.
@Syferonik said:Never played the original but i've heard you're playing as a lesbian?It's optional, but of course most people who played the original ended up choosing that route. Ha ha.
I didn't sink in until now...Ubisoft is actually making a tactical role-playing shooter starring Mario.At first I was like, "Really?" Now I'm like, "This looks so crazy that it could work."
Beyond Good and Evil 2 looks really interesting, but I just realized that I haven't played the first one. Another one gets added to the to-do list.
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