Funny, because I'm actually giving Sonic Highways another go, and it sounds little better than the first time I listened to it.
Gotta love it when you go back to albums you didn't like only to start warming up to them. I had the same experience with the Smashing Pumpkins "Adore" album.
Sony already has The Last of Us, so I really don't understand the incentive to make another exclusive zombie survival shooter that's almost identical to your other exclusive zombie survival shooter.
Plus, that random biker dude is definitely no Ellie.
Activision says they're removing the swastika from Call of Duty: WWII multiplayer because that symbol is illegal in Germany.
Gamers don't read the article. Assume this goes for the entire game. Start throwing a bitch-fit because the precious swastika isn't going to be there, and that without it, the immersion will be ruined... in a fucking Call of Duty game.
These are the same people that hate the fact that there's an option to play as a female soldier in the multiplayer as well. How dare those developers put in an optional feature that I can freely choose not to pick!
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