The first one would have been considered a survival horror classic if the second 2 games didn't exist and made it in to a action game, DS 2 and 3 were both okay though just not what it should have been since neither could create the same atmosphere the first game had with the ishimura.
My backlog is starting to become massive, it would be difficult to list them...and I just bought more games just because. Might try finishing the shorter games like Metal Gear Rising and go off and on with rpgs like Persona 3, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Dark Souls 2, South Park, etc. Meanwhile all those free PS+ games are also starting to pile up as well.
After seeing the live stream, I'm hyping AAE here since it just looks like infamous with good graphics, which is ok with me because I loved the first 2.
Twisted Metal needs a remake badly after the failure of the last one. I say make it F2P with good netcode, call it Twisted Metal Online and sell the vehicles like champions in league of legends where they rotate free ones. It would be interesting to see what they could come up with for new characters/vehicles.
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