WHAT THE ****!?! This is definitely because of AC4, which nobody gives a shit about. Seriously, this was the only multiplat aside from BF4 that looks actually improved on next gen consoles over current gen ones.
I probably won't even buy this anymore since it's releasing in such a bad time for me. Destiny and Infamous Second Son are both confirmed to be launching in the Spring and both look much better than this game. That's $120 right there. And what if The Witcher 3 or MGS5 launches in the Spring? This game is going to get massacred.
It went from being the must have fall title that isn't called GTA5 to completely dominated by a sea of better games in the Spring.
I wasn't aware Destiny was launching in Spring. If that's the case then this game will end up being passed on for me until it gets cheaper. It's also worth noting Titanfall is also a spring title. I honestly don't know what Ubisoft was thinking.
Dark Souls 2 is releasing in spring too, they really need to rethink this lol.
Because Sony is smart to take ideas from the competition, Nintendo should copy Sony in some ways like cross buy and having a better online service/shop with free games like PS+. Microsoft should copy the dualshock controllers bluetooth connectivity and ability to recharge via usb.
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