They desperately need a fresh new ip. Scalebound could have been that game but we'll never know. The year has barely started and microsoft is already getting destroyed by sony.
@charizard1605: Please not that argument again. If that helps you sleep at night then go for it.
I mean, even if you want to consider it a console, the console's entire specs are contained within that tablet. If you can point out a more powerful tablet or portable form factor system, I will concede the point. But you can't, because there isn't one.
The switch isn't that portable, if you need a bag to carry it around then you can use the same bag to store a laptop which can be way more powerful.
Yeah the overall lineup is pretty disappointing, especially launch day lineup besides Zelda. Mario, Zelda, and Splatoon will sell a lot of units but there aren't any other big hitters besides those. 1, 2 Switch is a ripoff for $50, it should have been a bundled game or they could have just made a Zelda bundle instead.
Mario Kart and SMT should sell some units too then there will probably be a Monster Hunter around at some point that will really push sales.
Destiny and Overwatch are new ips from this gen that still have a ton of people playing. Not many really great new ips for singleplayer except Bloodborne.
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