i wuld be all liek "ZOMG NOOOOOO!!!" den i wuld like be "AHHHHH U WONT LIK IT WEN IM ANRGY!" den i be all like throwing teh stuff arund liek it was a sotfball or soemtihng adn i wuld cauz like big proprtey dmg tehn i be all lek "omg he dint axept teh invite" and i wuld pay big 4 property damage i cause :(
Ok one of my good friends told me that she would "put-out" for me and all i had to do was dress like a girl for an evning. now i dont know what to do cause i mean its sex but to do it id have to dress like a girl so i was wondering what you would do in my placeFUBAR24
I dont think you really need our help. you just want to go to a us and go "LOL I MITE HAV TEH SEX IF I DRES LIEK A GIRL LOLOLOLOLO"
I cant believe you guys are actually offering help, he's just a virgin on his first time and he wants everyone to kno about it.
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