The only advice is to get a newer model X360(or an X1). My 360s never failed. I'm sorry you're having problems. :(
Xisiuizado's forum posts
My current 3 favourites are:
- Forza 5 - for sim-style racing
- Forza Horizon 2 - for more arcade-style open world racing
- Mario Kart 8 - for fun kart racing
^^ This. Horizon 2 is my favorite racing game ever. Forza 6 replaces 5 for sim-ish racers.
My current 3 favourites are:
- Forza 5 - for sim-style racing
- Forza Horizon 2 - for more arcade-style open world racing
- Mario Kart 8 - for fun kart racing
Forza horizon2, when you say arcade style what do you mean sir?
He means that the handling, in general, is more forgiving/less realistic. HOWEVER, both Forza series' can be tuned to any level of arcade/sim, within reason. You want an open world/off road game with realistic and unforgiving physics, you can tune Horizon 2's difficulty to as hard as you wish and vice/versa with Motorsport.
Also, due to the openness of Horizon 2, if feels much more like an arcade game, regardless of whatever settings one chooses. Simcade within the arcade feel is awesome. It'd be like having Gran Turismo physics inside of Need for Speed, if you chose to, but you don't have to.
Forza is awesome! Here's to hoping for both a Forza Kart series and Forza Rally series to be added! :D
DLC is killing my interest in games. I hate the fact that when I buy a game I know it's not a complete package. It's getting to the point I no longer buy games day 1. I usually wait for a complete edition or not buy it at all.
It's not so bad with multi player because usually when I'm done with it I won't return. But a good single player game sometimes I'll go back to years later. When a game isn't complete I feel a sense of loss like I'm missing out on something. I can't bring myself to pay for DLC when I feel like it's content that has been stripped from development to nickle and dime us on.
Another thing that really pisses me off is rushed games to be fixed at a later date with a patch. Like I said I like to go back and play games years later. If something were to happen to my system with the updates the game would be a broken mess.
I have multiple systems but only plan on purchasing 2 games this year. all others I'll wait for complete editions or major price drops. I have about 10 games I'm waiting to buy that I refuse to pay full price for.
You sound like you think waiting for the full release is a problem. It isn't. I never buy games on day one, and, frankly, I don't understand why anyone does. Except for GTA 5, and the COD series to a lesser extent, all games fall in price quickly. Just a few months out and you can get "the complete" experience for less than the day 1 cost. Sunset Overdrive is a good example, as I got the game and season pass for $20 less than the day 1 base game price. DLC isn't inherently bad, but, since you sound like you want the complete games like I do, just wait. The advantages of waiting:
1) All reviews are in and the game is as fixed as it'll ever be, with few exceptions. (For example, people like us do not sink countless hours grinding for weapons that become useless, as we are getting the game after said weapon becomes useless. i.e. Gallaghorn in Destiny. I'm getting that game after the latest edition falls in price, unless more DLC is announced, then I'll keep waiting or just not bother. :D
2) The complete experience! I should've waited even longer for Borderlands 2, but no, I still had to buy the headhunter packs. :D
That said, at this time of year, just save your money for the Christmas sales as most games are half off or more, thus making the game + season pass about $60.
TL;DR: There's nothing wrong with how you buy your games, or why you do it. Happy Gaming! :D
I don't like them as they tend to be idiotic. The only game's romance options I liked were in Saints 4, and that was just because it was funny-ish.
I traded my X360 in for an X1 a few months ago, but, back then there were ALWAYS a ton of people playing Black Ops 2. Especially its horde mode. With X1 back compat coming, I'd bet a lot more people will get back into it, unless the newer CODs' gameplay is better.
Have fun! The X360 was my favorite console ever until my X1.
I used to have various, weird issues before I started restarting the X1 regularly. Have you tried restarting the console? (NOT turning it off, but an actual reboot.) If not, go to settings>Power and Startup>Restart.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the license system. I was remembering GT3 as linear just because I played it that way. I went through the series levels one at a time. I'll never forget how awesome the ending of a beginning series was when Kravitz' s song "Never see you again?" played with racing highlights. It was perfect and awesome.
Wow, this little nostalgia trip reminds me of how truly far the GT series has fallen. It makes me a little sad. :(
The only bigger updates will be when a racing series gets a big reboot. Oh well, if it isn't an open world RPG or an interactive, cinematic trailer, it'll receive no ten or GOTY consideration and like it! :D
Additionally, any complaints need to be rendered mute as Turn 10 only got permission on the tracks to do rain if they did it accurately. The only improvement would be the rain gradually collecting on the track over time, but most races aren't long enough for that to be a worthwhile pursuit. Oh well, this'll likely be my favorite sim-ish racer to go along with my fave arcade-ish racer, Horizon 2.
Don't it have endurance or Le mans 24?
And my only complaint is the linear SP mode. Haven't played to see how it feels , but i think it will be good.
And rain collecting can't be seen so well when you are taking corners with 90mph.
1) I don't know, as no reviews listed all of the showcase events. If Forza has those races, they'll have to be showcase events.
2) That is an honest complaint. I seem to remember Gran Turismo 3 and 4 being the same way, but it was so long ago that I'm not sure. **Note: I didn't like GT4, so I may not have played enough to find out.
3) The rain was designed to be another obstacle. While gradual collection in puddles would've been cooler, at least it's accurate and challenging. I wonder if those races can be skipped by those who don't want to race in the rain?
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