@thehotsung8701a: Yes, but I made a thread about it because today is the last day. Unfortunately, the games are likely physical, but I don't know.
The deal is AC: Unity plus a game you'd choose for any bundle. They didn't specifically exclude pre-ordered bundles, so, if they didn't, MS's store has both the Forza and Halo bundles for preorder. Good luck, I hope it's still going.
Xisiuizado's forum posts
I've gone disc-less thus I have no direct experience, but, did you restart the console? I've just got into the habit of restarting the X1 regularly to avoid any issues. It also makes the UI snappier.
EDIT: To restart go to: Settings>Power and Startup>Restart.
Nice one, will this game be at retail at all or is this digital only?
I have downloaded the preview trial version but have yet to try it, so I guess I better get on it soon!
I didn't find anything concrete, but there isn't any mention of a disc release in any E:D article I checked. It makes sense, considering the PC version is digital only. (I think)
Microsoft has been giving away Unity and a game of your choice with any X1 bundle for a while now, but the deal ends today.
Microsoft Store
Interesting responses! :) Also, my apologies for not adding a general "or just games you'd rather play on the X1 than elsewhere." I meant to, but forgot. :P
$100 is not much for me in the long run but I feel base on principle alone, I am supporting a company that is exploiting it customer base on a name of a popular franchise. I don't know if I should also pre-order Forza console as well and just cancel it last minute once Youtube had early unboxing off both console.
They aren't exploiting anything. In fact, MS is doing the opposite by giving far more choices with bundles and options than I can ever remember anyone doing.
As for which bundle to get, I'd get neither and just get the Elite bundle if I didn't already have an X1. That all said, for a limited time, ANY X1 bundle purchased from the Microsoft store gets two free games added to whatever the bundle already has. If I remember correctly, one of the games is any of your choice. Also, get EA Access when you get an X1. Thirteen games in the vault and counting. :D
I'm happy to see a new IP doing this well.
It's the first one that has really appealed to consumers in a long time. If the Wii U was a better console, or if PvZ Garden Warfare didn't exist, then I would've bought a Wii U because of Splatoon.
True, but you would own it rather than just be "renting" it. I know most of us on the X1 always have Gold, but still, you would own it permanently.
Only one other person mentioned Forza 6. It has the perfect storm to reach a 10/10.
1) It'll be bug free.
2) Best all time in its genre.
No Halo 5? Really? That game has 9-10 written all over it, it's going to be the biggest and best Halo game to date.
Even if it is the absolute best Halo game ever (which I doubt, but I mean, it could go either way), are you seriously suggesting it would be a 10? Some games are limited by their franchise and genre, Halo is one of them. It won't get a 10, if 3 and Reach could not, it just never will.
That said, the Others option is there to account for any games not named in the poll.
Halo not having a chance is ridiculous. I don't really like Halo overall, just Reach and the H2 remaster, but to state that any game is ineligible due to genre/franchise history is why gaming journalism is so broken. It reminds me of how bad the choices for movie awards tend to be.
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