That statement is shockingly uninformed. I pray that is sarcasm.
Xisiuizado's forum posts
Ok , let me put it in a different way.
How far did you go with the MX-5 in GT3?
I have no idea, way too long ago.
Then , without the DLC , which is the best car in Forza 3?
That's very subjective and entirely depends on the class and the way you drive.
Yes , but in Forza 3 there is one car that's the best.
Haven't played Forza 4 to confirm it , but there is one there as well , and if my theory is right , i know the best in F6.
You're silly. The best car is the one which the user tunes the best.
A perfect 10/10. A couple of UI issues aside, the X1 is the best console ever and I'm loving the absurd backlog that I have already generated. The X360 was fantastic, but the X1 will be better overall, especially considering it's going to have an X360 in it soon. :D
Honestly, at this point, Gran Turismo is so bad that the Mario Kart series and even the crappy NFS series are better. What happened to Polyphony?
Anyway, both Horizon and Motorsport are better than anything else, with Mario Kart third. I SOOOO want a Forza Kart racing series! :D
PS4 does have a tech advantage but it ain't as much of one as you might be thinking it is. It's got around a 40% GPU advantage but that is hampered by it currently having around a 20% CPU disadvantage. The CPU in it really isn't good enough to keep up with the GPU and bottlenecks are created, rendering some of its GPU advantage mute. Both of these consoles are shit technically, not just X1.
7CPU 1.75ghz cores used on xbox one vs 6 1.6ghz cores on PS4..
Dude the xbox one doesn't have a 20% advantage i already told you that and showed you how with 7 cores still could not beat a well coded game on PS4.
Oh did i mention the XBO version lack temporal AA and is 900p.?
Look at Batman Arkham knight as well more stable frames on PS4 that one is open world and is 1080p over the xbox one 900p setup.
What you get here are games were the developer will not go the extra mile on PS4,they get it to a certain point and leave it and focus more on the XBO which does need more work to reach the PS4 frame wise.
By the way Project Cars is a CPU intensive game with lots of draw calls.
Any game having the same resolution in both and having lower frames on PS4 is screw up on PS4,there is no parity between a r250X and R265.
Forza 6 renders any points made with Project Cars null and void. Games matter. Big games matter most. The X1 has the most big games, therefore the X1 matters most! :D
Besides, Project Cars is a hack job. Not correctly registering a finishing position is unacceptable and pathetic.
That Indy race was pure awesomesauce. That even on a gamepad, sitting in an unmoving chair, I FELT the rush of speed. So awesome. :D
Media, oftentimes does not equal reality. I watched that Gametrailers reaction video. It was funny, but they have issues.
I see! You have issues too. :D
We all do! :D
On a side note, I have wondered if that GT reaction was set up as unmarked advertising, kinda like the Machinima crap, as their reaction makes zero sense.
@xisiuizado: Just out of curiosity, you do know that there is a 150 game gap between the Xbone and PS4, right?
Guys, this is not System Wars, do not treat it as such.
Crud, I didn't even think about that Garfield, thus this'll be my last post on the subject.
To SolidTy: Quantity <> quality. Additionally, I was referring to the topic of exclusives, not overall games total. Frankly, unless a person has an inordinate amount of time to play games, both systems have more games to play than anyone could reasonably complete. Happy Gaming! :)
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