@toonarmy20Last time I comment and waste anymore time with you.
Yes you did post it and delete it, you're bashing out replies left right and centre and you can't keep up with who you're talking to. Just look below, 2 comments both sent same time as each other, to same person. Almost as if you bashed out a reply then wanted to add more!!!!
Nice dodge but i asked my question 1st, you can't answer it thus you try and dodge it by asking me a question.
@toonarmy20: If I could attach a screen shot, I could show you, your comment you deleted. It says roughly the same as the post I laughed at cuz you deleted.
So now you're either you're a liar or some fool who forgets who he's talking to and what he's suppoed to be saying......bet you voted for Bexit didnt you! Short sighted fool.
Well maybe if Philly boy hadnt fourt against the whole of last gen, when the Xbox was in the lead. Then mabey Sony would follwo suite. But just like M$ Philly is a bully who doest like his own medicine.
@toonarmy20AHHHH is this going to be your final post???? As it seems you've tried writing 3 comments and this is now the last one as yopu keep deleting the others.
What was wrong with your other 2 atepmts??? I did read them quickly in gmail. But as sual made no sence.
Lets forget all the viuasl and wither it does or doenst have 150 games confirmed or not. Explain this one simple fact. If the Xbox is such a wanted item in the UK. Why is M$ only realeseing a very small amount???
If you don't have an answer for that simple question, don't waste my time or yours in replying. As all you do is qote M$ media spin and bull. Use your brain for once and come up with yoru own answer.
I would care, as M$ have screwed its Xbox customer base so often, only a true zealot or fool would purchase one of these early. Most rather sit back and wait to see whats gona go wrong, or which bit of marketing spin was the worst. Which most intelegent people in UK will do, whcih is why they've limited stock here!
150 yeah you go believe M$ and their media spin. Just like No RROD or the integral Kinect. You swallow everything M$ send your way. Don’t forget to cup the balls and keep eye contact!!
There will be no visual difference. It’s still gona struggle to do 4k 60fps…..most of time it’ll be half that. Cuz the developer’s aren’t going to waste their time if there’s a small install base (there’s a reason for you to care)
The UHD is not really needed. So why stick it into the build the UHD drive has no effect on the graphics etc.
Let’s see how their “cheap” components last shall we. Don’t want another RROD debacle yet again do we. If you truly want 4k 60 FPS get a PC. The xbox will struggle as I keep saying.
Everyone knows there are relatively few games designed yet for the Xbox and not one AAA. Well mabey halo, but quality of those game has been so hit n miss. Hate to think what they left out to reach 4k 60fps!!!!
@toonarmy20Yes leave out the UDH drive as phsical media is on the way out. Hence reason Sony left it out, as they're part of team who invented said media. They can see it's not needed or wanted. So yeah do away with it.:
No some brought the Pro for VR, some for the extra grunt. Me I purhcased it to get a new machine with another 2 year warrant. But 1000's didnt as they were mroe than happy with PS4.
Really what clever stuff is this may I ask??
Please also explain why M$ is only realsing limited stock to UK store, if it is so much in demand? Come on answer that one, lets put sill name calling to one side.
@toonarmy20 :-) I'll do what and say what I like buddy.
Yes you can match the Xbox with PC. So long as you leave out the un neeede or wanted UHD drive. It'll be even to build same sytem for cheaper soon too.
If 4k 60 fps is what you want. Then it's a PC not a console.
Like I say luckly most brits like quality, which is why there is such a limited amount of stock available for UK. Some retailers using ther term "fraction" which normally implies a huge difference. Ie only a very small amount will be sold in UK.
Of course not, us brits prefer quality items, hence hy M$ only having 100 set aside from us.
if 4k 60FSp is your thing get a PC. Not an Xbox which will stuggle to hit this with anythng but low quaklity games. Talking of games, where are they all for the xbox........
xrizz1066's comments