@sladakrobot: I believe they'll always offer the bare minimum, which is what they've always done. Just look at how the X1 is built from off the shelve parts just through together.
@sladakrobot: Sorry how is this trolling????? M$ did cover up the hack from China and from the amount of outages that Xlive has is increasing as the numbers increase. Is it just that you can't hear a single bad words said about M$!!!!
Oh the oh soo great Xbox LIve!!! Now the numbers are rising having issues Sony's been having. Still at least when there's a problem on line, we all know about it. China on the other can hack away and M$ will tell us years later :-)
Well it was bound to happen 1 month with all the freebies M$ have been giving away. Lets see if the can keep it up or is it just a blip. As for uncharted this game looks great, plus they're so much fun to play to can't wait.
Wonder how much M$ had to dole out to get this exclusive for 6 or so months? It didin't work for Titanfall or Ryse, hope this inst a painful mistake by Square Enix.
More than happy with ps3, still has great games. As for ps4 being sold in more countries, nothing stopped m$ from selling to these countries. They didn't because they knew it wouldn't sell, so now they spin the truth. Fact is a lot of people are not happy with the machine m$ is offering as it is slightly underpowered compared to ps4 and they tried to force kinect a unfinished peripheral onto people with no games. There is one main reason the x1 is lagging behind in sales and that is m$ themself.
From reading the movie press it appears as ifNancy Tellem and m$ don't really have a plan and are expecting the producers to come up with the ideas of what to do and how to incorporate the kenect. Only problem with this, is then m$ want a huge chunk of the pie. Leaving less for the producer whoes idea they're using and that is something Hollywood is not interested in doing. Another example of no real forward thinking from m$. Just copy others ideas and use their money to force things through. In the UK C4 are producing a show together which will air at same time on X1 and normally tv. So no exclusive there.
TBH, trying to explain why I feel so bad for early adopters or anyone that buys the Xbox one at the moment. Is like trying to explain to a friend that their boyfriend is not a nice person and they should drop him.
You seem to get the “you don’t know him like I do” “you don’t see what he’s like when we’re alone” “he loves me really” Yet in reality he’s not, I sure a lot have been in this situation.
The reason I feel this is 1st off we all thought that the Xbox one was going to be big and cool. Even me and I am not a M£ fan. But then after the reveal we found out what was on offer, and I laughed and laughed. Finally got too say to many mates, told you so. Never wanted M$ in the gaming business as they treat their customers like. “Just drop your trousers, bend over this. Oh and you might want to bite down on something” Yes they had some amazing things, they improved on line gaming. The controller was streets ahead of the PS3’s and do you know what 360 owners loved rubbing that in PS3 owner’s faces. I took, I dint like it but it was true, over all the 360 was ahead of the curve for 4/5 years. But I still enjoyed my PS3 and didn’t really think I’d missed out especially as we had Uncharted and then finally Last of Us.
I believe M$ only look to make profit, not necessarily a good or great project. They buy up competition and crush those they can’t. I suggest you go look at the history books if you don’t know what I mean.
Then I see all that frustration and hatred come out of M$ fans because they don’t like the taste of their own medicine. I have a feeling a lot of the hated towards PS4 owners. Is Misplaced rage at Microsoft, but because either in some sort of Stockholm Syndrome or a battered partner they lash out anyone but those doing the hurting.
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