Xbox needs to do better full stop. But seems as if m$ have started to give up as they start to release more on PC. Probably only wanted the x1 as a stop gap for few years until they got the whole w10 os fully working. Couldn't really care about those they've conned into buy their vcr.
So much for the oh so great and stable Xlive. Been down now more than PSN, that's not a good sign, epically as they deal with less than half the traffic.
Interesting to see both platforms have similar problems with down time. But 3 days is along time, I don't remember psn being down thus long. I always thought xlive was supposed to be superior, guess they're both the same.
@iaruelas: m$ is worth so much coz it was lucky getting in 1st with Windows os , since then they've struggled of make anything of significant. Just rehash their os . While Sony innovates and invents, like the Blu ray in your vcr?? Psn dose have issues but so does Xbox too. End if the day Sony has just about sorted out its finances, after the global breakdown. As for nothing to talk about, how about the new double camera system that apples to star using! Again making and inventing. While m$ just copy n lower quality.
@dlCHIEF58: it may be in development and been ready to release, then m$ in their desperation to close gap with ps4, say they want increase in images quality. Something they said to other companies. So they then spend more time with no income, hence having to lay staff off. If they also had possibility of selling on the ps4 which much bigger installer base. They may have been able to get extensions on overdrafts, extends loans etc.
Such a shame for a small company. Perhaps if it was also coming out on PS4 the extra possible sales could have mitigated this!!! You wonder if it was ready for release, but M$ demanded they up the quality to the max or 900p in X1 case. Which pushed it back, causing the issues.
@Khasym: I'm probably as old as you :-) lol so I remember some of the crap there was. I just think that now the consoles are so much more powerful, it would be interested to see what comes up. Like the medal of hour where you could control a squad. So much could be available, especially if you can control overall battle too.
xrizz1066's comments