@peterhorner1867: sounds like uve been unlucky there. Did you make sure you got the latest model? As fit disk issue, that's the 1st I've heard in 2 years
@rabih55555: I know I'm running something similar. But there is always fiddling with pc and certain games n graphics cards. Which you don't have with console.
@skrilla99: guess you've got mk1 like me. Newer models have better fans etc so not such a problem. Ps4 is being maxed out like naughty dog always do. I'm loving it and the noise soon disappears.
@smokerob79: PC gamers aren't funny, Can't afford to go outside and play with friends as always wasting £'s to keep updating components. I've got both PC and PS4, please tell me a game that gets close to say Uncharted 4. In terms of quality of story, gameplay etc.
What a way to start a game straight into the action and boat ramming no less. Love the imagination of the guys at Naughty Dog. Not had much time to play as weather's so nice. But loving every glorious minute of this. Now this is what a system seller looks like.
@jerjef: they just can't take any criticism these Xbox fools any more. Now they look to censorship to stop what was a innocuous comment about how lame and pathetic bc games are.
Think it's mainly down to only die hard fools left on x1 rest on ps4 or pc.
xrizz1066's comments