Flip flop, flip flop. He's like a fish drowning. Suppose might not be Phil's fault, he can only go by what he's told. One minuets they will, the next its definatly off the cards.
I don't see another piece of hard ware from M$. They just needed to Xbox to get their OS into the livingroom. Once they've got a good foot hold. Just watch the Xbox disappear.
But does seem as if the M$ acolytes have been placated with fine words or sermone from their great Minister!! X1 fnas so easy to fool it seems. "Look at the shiney shiney"
6 out of 10, thats just above average. Which is what it seems to have been getting across the board. Such a shame I was so looking forward to this. Oh well wait to purchase 2nd hand when out on PC. Still no need for the fat ugly VCR!!
@Kunakai: if it was my sitcom, I wouldn't be the side kick. If you're gonna try n insult n be funny. Trying thinking 1st, you won't look so stupid next time!
xrizz1066's comments