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xshadowolf Blog

Ok I'm back (again)

sorry guys I don't know i needed another break. Anyways i will start commenting on blogs for real this time and just to tell you i have my taekwondo belt testing tonight :(. well ok herers pic of the day:

Ill be posting cars alot but remeber the one car that i want is the ferrari f430 greyish-blackish!

ok cya all!

*blends into shadows*

Well I think I'm happy again

ya ill start commenting on blogs and making my blogs happier. ok pic of the day:

o gosh i love that car its a ferrari F430 TuNero. anyways ok umm...

oh yeah anyone play Robo Brawl? I just started yesterday and now i'm in the top 40 :D

ok bye!

*Blends Into Shadows*

the viewing is tonight and the funreal is tomorrow

yes the viewing is tonight. i think i will look at him, but im not sure if it will stick with me. i hope it doesn't. ok anyways you know i go to a taekwondo class, and taekwondo is basically another form of karate and stuff. well i have this best friend there called Micheal, then i text him that my grandpa passed away, and guess what he says. "Ok"!! thats all!! when i go to the class on thursday he asks, "Why are you so sad?" HE FORGOT ALL READY!! he forgot in one day! and then his brother comes and i don't really like him cauz he's really annoying and guess what he says?! he actually said sorry when i didn't even tell him. I might swicth friends with him cauz micheal i guess is not a true friend.

and -animeshowdown-, DO NOT comment on this blog cauz you are pratically the same as micheal. anyone see his last comment on my earlier blog!? take me off your freaking friends list. I know all the rest of you made good comments, and thanks for that.


I feel so upset. my grandpa was very close and i was just getting into sports and stuff when he died. He had wanted to go to a basketball game before he died but it was too soon. They said he would live for 2 years, so i was happy and didn't mind. but when he died, i felt lost. I have never had a death in my family, and it was hard to handle. Plus I'm a sensitive person. On the morning i heard he died, i just got up from bed. then my mom came and told me he had passed away. She was close to him too, but i just wouldn't believe it. I couldn't cry, because i knew that he didn't die. am i sounding like a whiner? im just really sad. if i start yelling at any of you, then don't pay attention. i won't mean it, im just so upset. if you care at all plz comment and somehow say some words of advice.

I feel good!!

Much better today, thnx for asking. I started wacthing Avatar the last airbender yesterday! that is a funny show! Not very good, but still. But for some reason i can't get past episode 11 in book 1. -.- anyways gtg to taekwondo tonight, so wont be here long. ummm pic of the day:

The image


*Blends Into Shadows*

Hi guys(all friends read)

Ok this is it. if you want me to read your blogs, then send me a PM. im really busy, as told in my last blog, so ill only read the blogs you'll tell me to. OK also can you plz read my runescape fanfic on if you don't have a account there you should join.

Ok another MAJOR thing.I was really upset yesterday, cauz my situation is better. I don't think my life is bad, and i know it will get better but i started crying cauz of it. there was just so much to do and so much to worry about. ya anyways i feel ALOT better. looks like crying did the trick. ok llalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalal...... .

im bored nothin to do here....

heres something to make it longer:










*Blends Into Shadows*

HA!!!! LOSERS!!!(and my grandpa's heart attack)

Ha! PATRIOTS lOST!!! lol! GO GIANTS!!!! that almost last minute touchdown was good! The undefeated Patriots got socked!!!

Ok actually im not being very nice. Ok the patriots did really well, and almost won the game. But Giants are better and have won the Super Bowl! ok im just gonna talk about the game. at the beginning it was normal i think. I missed the middle because we went to the hospital to wacth it with my grandpa(he had a heart attack about a week ago) and we had to leave because a storm was coming in. we went home and started wacthing it again. The part where the ball was missed and out of the bounds and this guy just dived and smacked it :lol: anyways the end touchdown where that one guy(forgot his name) just cacthed that ball. Awesome!! and remeber when Eli manning was gonna throw it and some pepel were just tugging on his shirt? lol. Ok anyways

pic of day

The image

ok im going on if you now wat that is. I posted a runescape fanfic so plz read!

Ok since i mentined my grandpa here we go- He just got out of ICU(intensive care unit) today. He had a heart attack last week and we have been visiting him. ummm well heres the real sad part. he probobly will not get past his next birthday. thats in setember. its because some bone marrow is leaking or something. :( ya that's really sad. but it's best to use your last moments as your best moments! but im still sad :cry: anyways, ok this is a list of injuries and school activities that are going on at the sametime-


1. Mom broke foot 1 1/2 months ago by dropping a weight on her foot

2. Mom burnt her foot 3 weeks ago by dropping boiling water on her foot

3. Grandma broke her back without feeling it 2 weeks ago

4. Grandpa had a heart attack 1 week ago

Result- Been very worried

School Activieties

1. Book Report

2. Science Fair

3. Poetry Contest

4. Lots of tests and schoolwork

Result- Failing

Its so chaotic. :cry: but its good to be happy :oops:

Good job Patriots and Giants!!!! Particulary Giants!! (jk) ok guys bye!

*blends into shadows*

Im Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(the first blog was glicth, plz read!)

Hi guys im back!!!!!! ok now the probelm was I did the whole blog and everything, but it erased my chapter when i submitted it. and i deleted it and went outside, and when i came back it wasnt deleted -.- ok anyways heres the pic of the day:

btw pepel all the chapters you have read so far are in part one. this one is the last chapter in part one. part two is much better and scarier. ok anyways here we go!!!:

Warning-This Story has gore, blood, major violence, England swearing, religious possible offense, and other disturbing properties. If you are not subject to this, please do not read this!

Chapter 10 Gone with the city

"Ok guys we are the last resort for the city and around it!"A officer of the army says. "until they use nukes to blow Shado up. So let's do this!!"

"oooooooooooooooooooooooooo nukes!!"One soldrier says, and gets a whack. They go and start shooting at shado.


Shado and Sabrina duck under the bullets and both sigh. Shado's arm curls around his other arm, and Sabrina pulls out her bow.

"DARK BALL!!!!!!!"Shado yells, running towards the soldriers with blinding speed.

"DARK ARROW!!!"Sabrina yells also, flinging the arrow as fast as Shado. The arrow and the ball with Shado collide into a wall, crumbling its insides. But they were not aiming at the wall, but the soldriers.

"I just had to save them"Bright says, leaping on the building with most of the soldriers in his arms."Afterall, they are humans" Shado looks up and charges at Bright. But he stops when he sees 5 light soldriers(we will call them Lighters, if you want) with REAL high tech guns. Shado dodges the bullets, then hits a lighter and another hurling into a wall. Then Shado grabs two Lighters by the neck and pops them. Two Lighters with swords come dumbly, as Shado is about to kill them with his own, knocking their heads and arms off with his bloody sword. Then an unlucky idiotic Lighter comes waving his sword at anything that moves, Shado easily cuts his head off. Shado is pushed back by a guy with a huge sword. Two times the worth of his body. How does he hold that up?! Shado thinks, and seeming like Bright could read his mind, answers.

"Like it?"Bright says."They are energy boosters. Very useful. Big guy, use the rest."

"Yes sir!"The swords man says very eargerly. The sword becomes as big as a building, and Shado is crushed by it. His sword still protecting him, Shado pushes back a bit. But the sword keeps growing, till its as big as a skyscraper.

"THE BLOODY EARTHEN HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!"Shado swears so bewildered. He sidesteps it in the knick of time, and the sword goes down 500 feet into the earth. The guy and Bright know Shado is dead, until massive dark blades come and cut the body off the swordsman. Bright looks at Shado and sneers.

"You think you could defeat me!"Bright yells"Summoning Phoenix!!!!!!"and a huge phoenix comes, and pulls in air. Then hot enough flames that could burn 300 tons of metal come boring down on Shado, but he dodges. But soon, the only option is to retreat, and Shado sets a timebomb. A huge explosion occurs, blowing up the rest of the city.


"Ok so now are we off to London?"Shado asks.

"Yes, lets go"Sabrina answers. They both sneer.

ok guys thats it cu!!!

*Blends Into Shadows*