Hi pepel. if you dont want to read the chap check the bottom of my blog for life info. i really want to post this chap cauz it has ALOT of action. here we go!-
Warning-This Story has gore, blood, major violence, England swearing, religious possible offense, and other disturbing properties. If you are not subject to this, please do not read this!
Chapter 4 Job
Shado walks down the street. He is wondering either to lie low, or kill the sheriff. Or the captain of the army. Another fat guy is walking behind him. I knew that was him. The fat guy thinks. Suddenly a van pulls up, the fat guy puts a bag over Shado, and throws him in the van. A cop comes and the fat guy's bodyguard kills the cop. In the van, Shado gets the bag off, and the fat guy starts talking.
"Hey, sorry for the rough pickup, but with you it's necessary"He says."Im Joe, or Big Joe, whatever. I'm offering you a kill job. You will get payed big for this."
"An assasin?"Shado inquires.
"Yes, and i want you to kill this bloody fool"Big Joe says, pointing at a picture."I know you blew ScienArms up, and they are a rival of mine. This bloke carried on ScienArms. He has a secret base, but I want to kill him. You worry about ScienArms when I pull you off the job. Now he lives in a mansion, or The Mansion. His name is Sam Evans, and he has a lot of security. In total about 100 guards. His 30 security camreas have personlized guns, and they have armor too. But i know you can get past him. The guard's weapons are flamethrowers, sniper guns, bazookas, and machine guns. Find his room, ask him what you want, then kill him. Shoot him 5 times, just in case. Then get out of there"
"That's easy."Shado teases"but i'll go.
Shado takes off, calling Sabrina at the same time. "I'm gonna be late, i got a job that pays well."
"Ok"she replies on her cellphone.
Shado gets to the mansion. He looks inside with his X-ray scanner, and there are two armed and amored camreas, one sleeping double pistol guy, a sleepy double pistol guy, and a bazooka guy. Shado gets on the ceiling, and drops a grenade while shooting the camreas. Two more guys in the next room here the explosionl. They get up, and a dark blade energy wave cuts a guy with glasses arms off, and one head off the other guy. Shado heads down the corridor, with two pistol guys and a flamethrower guy shoot im. Shado does dark blade on all of them, and shoots the flamethrower guy. One final flamethrower guy guards the door. Shado dogdes the fire, and shoots the guy. Shado goes through the door, but it is picth-black. Suddenly the light goes on and about 10 guns cock 6 men are guarding Sam. They start shooting Shado, and it seems Shado has no chance. 500 bullets hit right above him as he jumps horizontally. They barely miss, and Shado shoots the men back. All of them have a missing body part, no matter how much. Blood covers the room, making the white paint polka dotted red. Shado holds the gun to Sam's head.
"What is ScienArms!!"Shado yells in Sam's face.
"We develop ultra weapons for the angels, or whatever in heaven that is fighting the H word."The helpless guy confesses.
"The H word?"Shado cocks an eyebrow."You mean Hell right? i am the grim reaper's son. and you lost!"Shado shoots him 5 times, hitting his heart, brain, stomach, legs, and head again. Another guard shoots Shado, but he shoots the guy back.
Shado gets out, and goes back to Big Joe.
"Nice"Big Joe says."I'll double it for the time it took you"Joe hands Shado 20 thousand dollars.
Shado gets back to Sabrina, and shows the money.
"20 thousand bucks"He says.
"That's alot of money"Sabrina says.
They go to kill the sheriff in their black GT Mustang, and lure him into chasing them. Shado distracts the sheriff into a train track. Shado jumps on the train while the sheriff gets rammed. Shado turns, and sees Bright, with a white mask on.
"You copied my mask, only its white!"Shado yells.
"DIE!!!!!!"Bright shoots him.
they both lose their guns, and then charge back. Shado gets knocked, but then uses his sword to blow the train. A Huge explosion leaving the train in dust, and nothing moves.
To Be Continued
Well thats it :) ok pepel im sticking with this avatar from now on. It's so cool. I think this was the best chapter yet. it had the action, gore, and talk. i liked it. Im going snowboarding with my sis, dad. i have waited all year, and we couldn't go in december cauz my dad had a broken toe. now my mom had a broken foot. Oh yeah can you all wish my mom a happy birthday? shes stressed with her leg broken. now good night(for me)
*Blends into Shadows*
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