Perfectly fine with the plot point that Dany becomes bad or crazy, but the way they executed it was so poorly done.
Based on the character development we know of her, it makes more sense if she burned the surrendered Lannister soldiers, or perhaps she goes to the red keep to kill Cersei but indirectly kills hundreds of innocents. She's always being ruthless and overly harsh to her enemies but she's never showed any tendency to purposely massacre innocent people!
@timmyp1982: I didn't even say 40 hours but that was an estimation by people on reddit based on early access.
Well regarding your playthrough, it would have originally taken you 20 hours to unlock Luke, after the fan backlash it is now 5 hours. Still a massive improvement considering they were unlocked straight away on the first game.
The fact that it was so easy for EA to reduce it by 75% shows that they wanted to exploit players by wasting their time grinding away or better yet spend more money to get them faster.
@timmyp1982: Well without the backlash, it would have taken you 4 times longer to unlock those characters. I would like to think the time you saved is worth something at least.
@dlCHIEF58: Well a simple Googled definition of gambling is to: take risky action in the hope of a desired result.
Just because some gambling commission don't consider it gambling yet doesn't mean it won't be in the future, it takes years for that to happen. Just like how CS:GO skins gambling took a while to be brought down.
Many reviewers already consider that the base game is great - that wasn't the problem.
I think the main original backlash was people paying $60 on a game and iconic characters like Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader were locked behind a paywall or needed people to spend 40 hours of gameplay to unlock one of the characters. That's 10 days of gaming if you can spend 4 hours a day to unlock a character they originally could play straight away on the previous game!
Skill counts most for sure, but it still bollocks to have other people gain an advantage in a competitive game depending on how big their wallet is or how easily exploitable the other player is.
Was this CEO the same guy who made them change Suicide Squad to be more like Deadpool when it was like 80% done? Made that movie quite messy because of that decision.
@pspearman: That was definitely one of the reasons with the patching process - however MS themselves also said they didn't want to be on the same servers as Sony due to their policy at the time (maybe 4 years ago).
xWinson's comments