A pretty good way to get publicity and do most of their marketing. It was how Rocket League became so successful and they still continue to have a healthy player base and new buyers.
@joshrmeyer: Hm generally I think it doesn't matter what game it is since the console plays the game on Sony's end and just streams it back.
However they compress the stream before sending it to the user so perhaps side scrolling games where the colours/frame don't drastically change as much will be slightly faster. I say this since popular compression algorithms when used on normal video files checks the previous frame if a pixel is the same or not, if it is then it just refers to the previous frame and removes it from the current frame which reduces the file size - if it's like that for PSNOW then that would mean the stream would require less to download hence it'll be faster or smoother.
@7tizz: Probably once every month afterwards until their next big update.
You make it sound like it's weird to have patches that fixes any bugs considering everything such as phones, apps, TVs, games, PC, consoles etc have patches frequently these days lol.
@7tizz: I see you say this every time, how come you find releasing exclusives on the holidays really important?
If it's about having more time to play because you don't need to work/study then surely you can buy any previous exclusives that you may have missed? Or just any multi-platform games in general during the holidays.
xWinson's comments