xxDarkRulerxx's forum posts
Hey everyone this is my third times posting :( no one ever responds to me......well anyways can my laptop run Gears of War (minimum), Crysis (minimum), Viva Pinata, Half Life Orange Box, WoW, Guild Wars, Halo 2, and Company of Heroes?
The spec is: 3Gig Ram, 256mb graphics memory, 250 gig hard drive, vista premium, nVidia GeForce 8600 GT
Please respond I'll be very thankful, and thanks in advance for the help. :D
Can I play Gears of War, Halo 2, Viva Pinata, Company of Heroes, Guild Wars, and Halo 2?
(Its ok if Gears of War runs on low or medium on my comp)
Spec: 250Gig Hard Drive, 3gig DDR3 or w/e that is lol, 256mb Graphics Card, nVidia GeForce 8600, Vista Premium
Please respond I need help, this is my second time posting here.
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